Ex-Husband's Surprise Holiday Proposal to His Former Wife Is So Sweet

From Good Housekeeping

One Ohio couple is proving to us that true love can find its way back, even when it seems unlikely.

Jeff and Lorrie Agan got married in 1989 in an electronics store (at the time, they couldn't afford a traditional wedding). They were married for more than 20 years and raised eight children, including their son Jeffrey Jr. But in 2014, the couple decided to get divorced.

"They fought, separated, divorced, and it tore the family apart," Jeffrey Jr. told Buzzfeed. "Each of us felt like we had to cope with the destruction in different ways, and on our own."

But something positive came out of the separation: Jeff and Lorrie both began to work on themselves. Jeff started going to the gym, writing poetry, and spending more time with his grandchildren. Lorrie started meditating and connecting with nature. Soon, they started dating again.

On December 22, Jeff surprised his ex-wife Lorrie with a poem he had written for her. In the video above, Lorrie reads the poem out loud and when she gets to the final line, she looks up to see her ex-husband holding a ring.

Jeffrey Jr. shared the video on Twitter. He said the family had no idea of Jeff's plan to re-propose, but he could tell something special was happening so he quickly decided to take a video.

To make the whole thing even sweeter, he has set up a GoFundMe to help his parents have a great second wedding. It's already exceeded the goal of $2,000.

"I want to give back in one way, to give them the dream wedding every couple desires. A perfect conclusion to a beautiful, and very true story," he wrote.

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