Facial Folds And Wrinkles? We’ve Got The Answer!

How to get a younger looking appearance is a question many people have been asking for years.

Nicole, who just turned 46, says she is one of those people. She tells The Doctors she wants to “look her best” and has already tried a variety of creams and serums, but says she has not found the results she is looking for. She says she's seeing some wrinkles and wants to address them before they get worse.

Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer, a Sculptra? Aesthetic spokesperson, is here to help Nicole with her skin concerns and share some tips. He tells us there are a lot of trends happening when it comes to obtaining younger looking skin and that many people are talking about collagen.

Dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra explains how collagen works within our skin, saying, "The dermis, right beneath the surface of our skin, is made up of proteins and collagens that are responsible for skin’s elasticity. Collagen acts as the support structure for the skin, by forming connective fibers in tissues."

Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon notes, "This wrinkle-preventing protein keeps skin plump and youthful, but as we age the production of collagen begins to decline. The dermis begins to thin and the elastin and collagen fibers actually loosen and unravel. This causes wrinkles and facial volume loss."

Some other factors that contribute to collagen loss include:

  • Our own facial expressions, like smiling, frowning, and squinting, can affect collagen

  • Smoking and sun exposure causes a marked reduction in the production of new collagen, according to research

Dr. Emer says one of the latest collagen trends he is seeing is collagen supplements, which some add to their smoothies. He says another option he recommends is injectable fillers such as Sculptra? Aesthetic, which he explains is an FDA approved facial injectable treatment. Dr. Emer says that it helps gradually replace lost collagen by helping stimulate the skin’s own natural collagen production.

"In our practice as a cosmetic dermatologist, we're using a product called Sculptra? Aesthetic, that is FDA approved, to basically seed the skin with particles that produce collagen over time," he explains. He tells The Doctors it works subtly and provides a gradual improvement that builds over time.

If someone is interested in this type of treatment, Dr. Emer recommends talking with someone experienced, like a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Dr. Emer offers Nicole one of these treatments at no cost to her. He says the ideal candidates are adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s who have volume loss and are getting wrinkles.

Common side effects after initial treatment may include injection site swelling, tenderness, redness, pain, bruising, bleeding, itching and lumps. For Full Important Safety Information visit www.sculptraaesthetic.com.

Sponsored by Galderma, makers of Sculptra? Aesthetic