Family of Samoyeds Adopts Ragdoll Kitten As 'Part of Their Pack' and It's Too Cute

The saying “fighting like cats and dogs” and the world of childhood cartoons have really done a number on the human psyche. Dogs and cats are set up as natural opponents. People categorize themselves as “dog people” or “cat people, as if never the twain shall meet. I had to disabuse my own children of the notion that cats and dogs do not like each other, and when I told one of my daughters we were getting a pair of cats four years ago, she burst into tears because she thought it meant we could never get a dog.

In reality, countless households are occupied by dogs and cats that get on just fine, and even some where they love each other dearly. Take the kitten in this video, whose fluffy, snowy coat means he fits right in with his doggie big siblings.

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In this video, a Ragdoll kitten named George is seen snuggling, teasing, being groomed by, and otherwise playing with the large Samoyeds with whom he shares a home.

Related: Ragdoll Cat Lovingly Tries to Comfort Crying Baby in Touching Video

“He was never afraid,” says the owner of the animals, even though he’d apparently never even seen a dog before coming into the home, which was already occupied by a “pack” of the long-haired herding canines.

Maybe he thought the much larger dogs were cats, like him, or maybe he didn’t care, as long as they were friendly. And they certainly were friendly! Apparently one of the Samoyeds, Daisy, adopted the kitten as her own, regularly grooming him and always snuggling for nap time. Even two years later, with George now a full-size and deeply beautiful cat, their love and bonding is so real (even if he looks like he merely “tolerates” Daisy using his body as a pillow.

You love to see it.

Ragdoll Cats

Maybe it helps that this kitty is a Ragdoll. The fluffy, beautiful breed is known for their docile nature and playful personality. Ragdolls are easygoing when it comes to cat behavior, and since George was socialized with the dogs from a young age, it’s only natural that he considered himself “part of the pack.”

Ragdolls were first developed as a breed in the 1960, and the hope was to create a friendly, fluffy breed perfectly suited for family life.

George definitely fits that bill.

Are Samoyed Dogs Good for Families?

Samoyeds, too, are known to be particularly good-humored dogs, and even have the nickname of “smiley Samoyeds” for how they always appear to be in peppy spirits. Samoyeds were traditionally used as sled and herding dogs, and their strength combined with their relatively compact size made them popular working dogs for Arctic expeditions. They are an ancient breed of dog, and examples of these animals can be found hundreds of years ago among the Nenets people of the Russian Arctic.

Their coat is intense in a double layer, and is resistant to dirt and grime. They also shed in seasonal “blowouts,” losing the dense undercoat in warmer weather. Their tails are held curled up over their back.

They are known for being friendly and good with families and children, which makes it little wonder that Daisy was so gentle and understanding with the kitten in her midst.

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