Fans Rally Behind 'Just Ken' in Ryan Gosling's Music Video

Gearing up for the premiere of Barbie later this month, a new clip from the film was just released, and fans are loving it.

The clip in question: a music video for "Just Ken."

In character as Ken, Ryan Gosling sings about his troubles always being second best while trying to get Barbie's attention and figure out his own identity.

The clip starts with Ken telling Barbie, played by Margot Robbie, "I just don't know who I am without you," to which she responds, "You're Ken." But Barbie doesn't get it, as Ken states, "But it's 'Barbie and Ken.' There is no just 'Ken.'"

Gosling then bursts into song, talking about unresolved feelings and asking, "Is it my destiny to live and die a life of blonde fragility?"

Well, Ken, it seems like the fans are hearing you, as many shared their support and appreciation for the character in the comments.

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One understanding fan wrote, "Ken ISNT a mood. He’s literally a whole personality type, and I’m living for it," while another said, "I want to comfort Ken. He deserves so much better and lots of love."

"'I'm just Ken and I'm enough' God this movie definitely will make me cry," read a different comment.

Many fans also commended Gosling on his performance, with comments like, "This man about to deliver his most critically acclaimed role yet," and, "One thing Ryan is gonna do is commit to the bit. Whatever it takes. And that is why we love him."

"Choosing Ryan for this role is a masterpiece. I doubt anyone else could portray Ken so believable and funny at the same time. Also his charisma is outstanding," complimented an eager moviegoer.

The praise went on and on, with many people sharing their increasing anticipation to see the film. An excited fan questioned, "how dare they drop this absolute BANGER will 11 days until the movie releases i ken-not contain myself."

Fans will have to wait just a little bit longer to see Gosling and Robbie in the new Barbie film, as it is set to hit theaters on July 21.

Next: Come on, Barbie, Let's Go, Party—We've Got the Internet's 18 Best 'Barbie' Movie Memes