
Here’s the Farm Animal That Captures Each Zodiac Sign’s Cozy & Hard-working Side

Roya Backlund
8 min read

Every animal has meaningful and fascinating attributes, but none come close to the way farm animals can describe each zodiac sign‘s personality on a deeper level. While farm animals may not be as exciting as lions or as terrifying as sharks, these are the animals that have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. These are the animals who deserve the most of our love, loyalty, and reverence. And because these animals are rarely ever given their time in the sun, let’s discuss which farm animal captures your cozy and hard-working side.

If you think farm animals are dumb and unintelligent, that’s only because you’ve been conditioned to think so. It’s easier to believe these animals don’t have thoughts or feelings, because humans benefit from livestock as a source of food and resources. However, this wasn’t always the case. In fact, during the Iron Age, humans worshipped chickens and hares and revered them as gods in ancient Britain.

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If you have a soft spot for farm animals, it may be thanks to the glorious experience you had meeting them at a petting zoo when you were young. It may also be because the first novel you ever read was E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web, forever reminding you of the overlooked beauty that farm animals possess. And if you’re feeling reminded of their importance today, consider making a donation to the Humane Society of the United States and joining in the never-ending fight for animal rights.

The Farm Animal That Captures Each Zodiac Sign

If you’re currently dreaming of an idyllic visit to the nearest barn, here’s the farm animal that accurately reflects your zodiac sign:

Aries: You’re the Turkey

Despite their incessant need to “gobble”, the turkey is an elegant and intimidating bird that frequently comes out on top. These birds are fast, as they’re capable of running up to 35 mph and flying as fast as 55 mph. Aries is the zodiac sign of power, domination, and glory and can relate to the way this bird is always aiming to gain control over a situation. Like it or not, turkeys are so much more than a feast for Thanksgiving. In fact, Benjamin Franklin once hinted that the turkey would have been a better choice for the U.S. national bird, calling them a “much more respectable animal” than the eagle.

Taurus: You’re the Cow

It comes as no surprise that the cow would be associated with Taurus, as this fixed earth sign is already symbolically connected to the “bull”. However, the cow represents the more relaxed, loving, and nourishing side to the Taurus personality, as this Venus-ruled zodiac sign is arguably more nurturing than Cancer. Rather than making life complicated, the cow would rather graze on fertile fields and lounge on the ground with their fellow cattle, much like a Taurus would rather stay home with a glass of wine and a sheet mask on Saturday nights. And like a Taurus, cows are incredibly emotional and affectionate.

Gemini: You’re the Rabbit

The only thing more curious than a rabbit is a Gemini. Like the sensitive and alert rabbit, a Gemini is always on the lookout for a shift in the surrounding energy. Moving from point A to point B before you’ve even noticed that they’ve shifted gears, a Gemini can relate to the way a rabbit is impossible to catch and always on the move. After all, rabbits are symbolically known for being creative problem solvers that can outsmart even the most glaring obstacles. Gemini is ruled by Mercury—planet of intelligence and wit—and a rabbit is incapable of sitting still when they have an idea.

Cancer: You’re the Duck

If there’s one thing that defines a Cancer, it’s their love for home, family, and togetherness. And like Cancer, you rarely ever see a duck without a trail of adorable ducklings wading behind them. The duck captures Cancer’s most innate strengths, which often go unappreciated. When a mother duck’s eggs finally hatch, she has to keep the world at bay in order to bring her babies into adulthood. Between predators and human obstacles, it’s not easy for a little duckling to thrive in the wild, but their momma will stop at nothing to protect them and give them everything she can.

Leo: You’re the Dog

When it comes to the zodiac, the world literally revolves around Leo. After all, they’re ruled by the sun, which happens to be the center of our solar system. And what would a farm be without an adorable shepherd or Labrador retriever to herd the other animals and put a smile on everyone’s face? The dog has a way of getting special treatment from the humans on the farm, much like a Leo is VIP in every aspect of their everyday life. This fixed fire sign lives for entertaining others, expressing themselves, and sharing the love. Doesn’t that sound exactly like a dog?

Virgo: You’re the Pig

When it comes to farm animals, none are more underestimated than the pig. This adorable animal is often associated with attributes like greed and laziness, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Pigs are actually exceptionally smart animals—more intelligent than every breed of dog and even 3-year-old children—and they relate to the way Virgos are usually the smartest people in the room. To emphasize just how intelligent pigs really are, they’re considered the fifth smartest animal in the world and are fully capable of outsmarting chimpanzees! Think about that next time you underestimate a Virgo.

Libra: You’re the Goose

Libra is a highly romantic and relationship-oriented air sign and they relate to the way geese mate for life. However, that’s just the scratching the surface of their symbolic connection. After all, Libra is a zodiac sign that’s associated with elevated and artistic communication, which is seen in the old Mother Goose nursery rhymes that still help young children learn about language and story-telling to this day. And because a Libra craves balance in every aspect of life, they can understand why a goose would spend just as much time wading through water as they do flying in the sky and waddling on land.

Scorpio: You’re the Alpaca

Scorpios are known for being mysterious, secretive, and difficult to understand, much like it’s hard to read an alpaca’s expressions. And although Scorpio is ruled by Mars—planet of combat and dominion—this water sign prefers to keep to themselves and be docile before instigating conflict. The alpaca is much the same, as these unique animals are known for being gentle. However, if you rub them the wrong way, they might just spit on you. Like the alpaca, a Scorpio usually gives you a warning before going on the offense. A Scorpio is also loyal and willing to share, similar to the alpaca who has lived and worked alongside humans for over 6,000 years.

Sagittarius: You’re the Horse

A Sagittarius values freedom and adventure above all, much like a horse never quite extinguishes their wild streak. Similar to a Sagittarius, a horse must be “broken in” before it becomes safe to ride them. And just when you’ve managed to make a horse feel more comfortable in their stable, something triggers their wild side and sends them running for the hills. Either way, it only makes sense for a Sagittarius to be associated with horses, as this mutable fire sign rules over travel and exploration. The most influential people in history have always had a horse to take them to their next destination.

Capricorn: You’re the Goat

Is it any wonder that Capricorn is also considered the Greatest Of All Time? After all, Capricorn is the zodiac sign of authority, leadership, and discipline, which means they are laser-focused on overcoming the odds stacked against them and achieving greatness. And although the goat comes across as timid, gentle, and sweet enough to live at a petting zoo, they’re also capable of climbing the steepest and highest mountain without breaking a sweat. Plus, they know how to put those horns to good use when they sense an incoming threat, much like a Capricorn never overlooks their defense.

Aquarius: You’re the Chicken

Aquarius is often incredibly misunderstood and their unique gifts usually mean their ideas are way ahead of their time. The chicken can relate, as they are often seen as nothing more than the source of someone’s next meal. However, chickens are much smarter than most people realize, and a study published by Animal Cognition suggests that chickens possess logical reasoning that even children under the age of seven have yet to develop. In fact, they can even exhibit “Machiavellian tendencies,” much like an Aquarius is capable of convincing their friends and associates to do their bidding. They can be courageous or timid. They can be kind or aggressive. Chickens really do have unique personalities, just like an Aquarius often stands out from the herd.

Pisces: You’re the Sheep

Pisces is famous for being dreamy, empathetic, and gentle, much like a herd of sheep will often stare off into space while maintaining a chill vibe. Sheep are often associated with “herd mentality”, and to call someone a “sheep” would indicate that they mindlessly follow the latest trends and refuse to question the status quo. However, both an unassuming Pisces and a mild-mannered sheep have a lot going on behind their aloof exterior. Sheep are immensely emotionally aware and capable of displaying shocking levels of logic, as they’ve only been portrayed as unintelligent so that it’s easier for humans to prey on them. Sounds like what a Pisces experiences on the daily.

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