With These Fast-Cash Tips, You Could Earn Up to $1,250 Extra Per Month

With These Fast-Cash Tips, You Could Earn Up to $1,250 Extra Per Month

Looking to make a little extra money on the side?

You're certainly not alone!

As proven by its popularity as a Google question, there are SO many people — including our audience member Jillian — who are searching "How to Make Money."

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"This idea of making money on the side has increased so much in popularity it is referred to now as a 'gig economy,'" Alexa explains. "It's essentially trying to find quick jobs to help make some cash — and fast."

But how to do it? According to financial guru Alexa von Tobel, you just have to capitalize on your skill set.

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That's why, for Jillian, Alexa made a list of her strengths, and then cross-referenced them online with companies like Forbes and entrepreneur.com. They'll help you figure out which jobs you're most qualified for — and frankly, you might be surprised! For instance…

If you are: Good with kids
Here's what you can do: Babysitting, of course! But not like how you did it when you were a teen. Companies like Care.com will help you to connect with parents who need babysitters. The company does all the background checking and other due diligence to put both the parents' and the babysitters' mind at ease. And you can make anywhere from $15 to $20 an hour. (Not bad, eh?)

If you are: Athletic (i.e. healthy, able to get around quickly and energetic)
Here's what you can do: There are companies that will tap into a marketplace of local people looking for help with small chores. One of these is taskrabbit.com, where you can pick up a job cleaning houses or organizing closets — even decorating a home for the holidays! You can also do delivery services with companies like Postmates.com, where you can earn up to $25 an hour.

If you are: An animal lover
Here's what you can do: You can easily become a pet sitter or dog walker. Companies like Rover or Wag help pet owners find people to take care of their animals — and that can make you up to $20 an hour!

And the list goes on and on! "You're college educated, so you can tutor part time," says Alexa. "You're bilingual, so you can find online companies that need translators. You're a dancer by trade, so you can even make webinars online giving dance lessons for beginners."

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And the best part? (In addition to becoming empowered by your unique skills!) Research shows that people can earn up to $1,250 a month working in a "gig economy," depending on how much time you decide to put into it.

So get cracking, hustlers!

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