February's Full Moon In Leo Is Romantic, Dramatic, and Sexy As Hell

This Month’s Leo Full Moon Is One of the Sexiest of the Year
This Month’s Leo Full Moon Is One of the Sexiest of the Year

Getty Images/InStyle

If your love life has felt frustratingly quiet so far this year, you're far from alone. 2022 kicked off with Venus, the planet of romance, in full-blown retrograde, making it more challenging to enjoy much forward movement in regard to pursuits of pleasure and matters of the heart. Thankfully, it went direct on January 29, and as we come up on February's fiery full moon in Leo, the relationship-ruling planet has a starring role that could turn everything around.

This lunar event, exact at 11:56 a.m. ET/8:56 a.m. PT on Wednesday, February 16, serves as a passionate culmination point during which you'll want to get in tune with your desires and express them in a more confident, creative way. In other words, forget the fact that Valentine's Day falls on a truly unromantic Monday this year, because the sexiest sparks could fly mid-week.

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The full moon in Leo spotlights love, pleasure, and self-expression.

Full moons — which happen when the confident sun exactly opposes the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to wrap up projects you started six months or even two weeks prior. They're culmination points, breaking points, and a chance to release anything that's no longer serving you. And with this month's full moon falling in confident, fun-loving, and big-hearted Leo, you can expect to feel more exuberant, empowered, and optimistic. And because the sign of the Lion is also the ruler of the fifth house of romance and self-expression, you can expect both of those themes to feature prominently as well.

Because the moon will be directly opposite from the sun in Aquarius, we'll also be driven to think about the juxtaposition between what's best for the greater good and our community (the Water Bearer's signature terrain) versus what we want for ourselves (Leo's M.O.).

A sexy Venus-Mars conjunction makes for an even steamier moment.

The main planetary action happening around this Leo full moon is a conjunction between Venus and Mars, the planet of sex, energy, and action. The last time these two met was in passionate Leo back on July 13, 2021, setting off a cycle in which we've all been more lionesque — confident, luxury-loving, and expressive — in our relationships.

And on the 16th, they'll meet again in Capricorn, the industrious cardinal earth sign, so their meet-up could touch off the desire to put your nose to the grindstone on the work of being in a relationship. Whether you're ready to zhush up your app profile to manifest your ideal match, to be more direct about your fantasies or to define a relationship, or to take your partnership to the next level of commitment, this could be a truly game-changing moment that turns out to be as sexy as it is grounded in practicality.

And because Cap is ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and limitations, it wouldn't be unexpected to flirt with power play and dominance and submission in the bedroom in the days around this full moon.

Although Venus and Mars usually only connect about once a year, they're actually connecting twice this year — once on the 16th and again on March 6 in Aquarius. (For more on that meet-up, be sure to read the new moon report next month.)

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The nodes of destiny will be activated as well.

In your natal chart, you might notice two symbols that look like a horseshoe — one's upside down and the other is right side up. The one that looks like a "U" represents the south node while the one that looks like a lowercase "n" is the north node. These are mathematical points versus celestial bodies. The south node represents a path and personality traits you are already quite comfortable with, while the north node is what you're working toward achieving and learning in this life. The nodes are always in opposite signs, and back on January 18, they moved into Taurus and Scorpio — two of the four fixed signs.

And on February 16, the full moon will be sitting at 28 degrees of fixed fire sign Leo, squaring off against both of the nodes, which brings fate into play. You could feel like you're destined to express what's in your heart in a particular way or to begin, end, or redefine a relationship.

In other words, while full moons always encourage us to tune into our inner voice, the nodes' involvement means we'll be even more capable of — and able to benefit from — doing so this month.

Here, how this Leo full moon will affect you, based on your sign. (Pro-tip: Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign, if you know it. If you don't, you can find it on your natal chart or via this CafeAstrology calculator.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

With the full moon lighting up your fifth house of romance, you'll feel truly empowered to share your most artistic and heartfelt feelings. And with the Venus-Mars conjunction lighting up your tenth house of career, you could be stepping into the spotlight.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The full moon activates your fourth house of home life, encouraging you to take the reins on work-life balance. And because Venus and Mars are in your ninth house of adventure, getting out of your comfort zone could be the key to more satisfaction in your love life.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The full moon lights up your third house of communication, making this a super-busy moment for you. Prioritizing self-care is a must, and with the Venus-Mars meet-up lighting up your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you'll likely connect on a deeper level with someone special.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

With the full moon in your second house of income, you'll be meditating on how you can feel more valued on the job. Venus and Mars pair up in your seventh house of partnership, so your closest one-on-one relationships could get extra exciting now too.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The full moon falls in your sign, making this a super-dramatic, emotional, and passion-filled moment when you'll finally end one chapter in order to begin another. Venus and Mars are in your sixth house of daily routine, so you'll be fired up to set boundaries that protect your well-being.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The full moon falls in your twelfth house of spirituality, so you'll be compelled to rest, recharge, and map out the steps you need to take to make your dreams a reality. Meanwhile, Venus and Mars pair up in your fifth house of romance, inspiring you to prioritize play and pleasure.

RELATED: What Your Mars Sign Can Tell You About Your Sex Life

Libra (September 23-October 22)

This full moon is in your eleventh house of networking, so friendships and platonic bonds are a key focus now. Feeling like part of a team effort is especially fulfilling, and with Venus, your ruler, and Mars in your fourth house of home life, you'll also be taking steps to protect your tranquility.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

With the full moon falling in your tenth house of career, you'll feel driven to claim your moment in the spotlight. Higher-ups could applaud your hard work, and with Venus and Mars (your co-ruler) in your third house of communication, you'll speak your truth.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Because the full moon falls in your ninth house of adventure, you're even more pumped than usual to have a horizon-broadening experience and to take a leap of faith. Venus and Mars are in your second house of income, so being true to yourself spiritually could also lead to a thrilling new financial track.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

With the full moon falling in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you'll feel ready to be vulnerable and share your deepest emotional and physical needs with someone special. Venus and Mars' meet-up in your sign adds fuel to the fire; you'll be more confident, and prepared to make a bold move.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Falling in your seventh house of partnership, your closest bonds are front and center during this full moon, Aquarius. You'll be reflecting on reciprocity and compromise. And thanks to Venus and Mars in your twelfth house of spirituality, being true to your gut — and your dreams — is a must.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

With the full moon in your sixth house of daily routine, you could be ready to completely flip the script on how you've been caring for your wellness and going about your day-to-day work. And thanks to Venus and Mars pairing up in your eleventh house of networking, you can lean on friends and colleagues for inspiration and support.