The First Meteor Shower of 2024 is One of the Year's Most Impressive—Here's How to See the Quadrantids

The Quadrantid meteor shower, which is known for its impressive light show, peaks on January 4.

The new year is going to kick off with a beautiful light show. The Quadrantid meteor shower is expected to peak on January 4, according to

The Quadrantids are considered to be one of the best annual meteor showers. Unlike most meteor showers, which typically have a two-day peak, the Quadrantids' peak only lasts for a few hours, according to NASA. Despite its short lifespan, during the meteor shower's peak you may see anywhere from 60 to 200 shooting stars per hour under perfect conditions.

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harpazo_hope/Getty Images

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This meteor shower is known for its bright fireball meteors, which are larger explosions of light and color that can persist longer than an average meteor streak. This is because the fireballs originate from larger particles of material, NASA reports.

The best time to view the 2024 Quadrantid meteor shower (which is active from December 26, 2023, to January 16, 2024) is late on the night of January 3 to dawn January 4. To view the Quadrantids, find an area away from city or street lights and lie flat on your back with your feet facing northeast. According to NASA, in less than 30 minutes, your eyes will adapt to the dark and you will begin to see meteors.

Read the original article on Martha Stewart.