Fleetwood McDonald’s Employees Got to Meet Fleetwood Mac

A viral Facebook event led to some unexpected backstage passes.

With some jobs, you expect to meet celebrities. Maybe you’re a bouncer at Los Angeles’s hottest nightclub. Maybe you work backstage at a large concert venue. Maybe you’re Oprah’s intern. But with other jobs, you definitely don’t expect to meet celebrities: like working at a McDonald’s in Lancashire, England. But turns out this particular MickeyD’s had an ace up its sleeve. The town where it’s located is named Fleetwood. Meaning this is the Fleetwood M(a)cDonald’s. And if you can’t see where this is going… well… then you don’t understand the internet very well.

Around the beginning of the year, some cheeky Brits with too much time on their hands (which actually describes a lot of Brits) posted a humorous event on Facebook called “Campaign For Stevie Nicks To Work A Shift at Fleetwood McDonald’s.” The apparently random date of September 28, 2019 was chosen, suggesting that the rock vocalist drop in for the morning 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. shift. The event received some immediate attention, and by January 5, over 3,000 people said they planned to attend and nearly 20,000 people said they were interested.

The bad news is that the organizers of the event weren’t able to realize their dream: Nicks likely won’t be working her September shift and, in fact, no members of the band even dropped in for a Big Mac. But thanks to the virility of the stunt, the employees at the Fleetwood McDonald’s got an even better deal: They all got to meet Fleetwood Mac before their sold-out show at Wembley Stadium in London on Tuesday — and even watched the show from the side of the stage.

“It was a fantastic evening seeing Fleetwood Mac live and to have the opportunity to share the experience with some of the Fleetwood team,” Nigel Dunnington, the owner of the franchise, said according to NME. “I’m still amazed the band got in touch — we’re lucky our restaurant shares a name with such an iconic band…. Going down to the concert has been an incredible way to recognize some of our amazing employees. And, if Fleetwood Mac ever find themselves in the Fleetwood area, we’d love to return the favor and invite them back.”

Meanwhile, Be Reet — the group who organized the Facebook event — took the opportunity to bask in their success online. “GUESS WHAT? YES, we did it!” Be Reet posted on the event page. Honestly, it is pretty cool. You guys got any ideas for this whole Brexit thing?