Florida native ground covers protect the soil, support wildlife: Sally Scalera

Ground covers are great to add throughout your yard because they protect the soil and provide other benefits.

The loss of plants is a common occurrence for gardeners, but the opposite can be just as problematic. Have you ever planted a ground cover and later discovered that it was growing too well, gradually smothering all the other plants growing near it? If not controlled, the rampant ground cover will eventually kill the other plants.

This happened in my yard, and the guilty party was a trailing tibouchina, Dissotis rotundifolia, which produces purple flowers and small green tibouchina-like leaves.  It grows well in shadier locations, including full shade.

Flowers are continually produced, and flower production is higher when grown in brighter locations. In my front yard, it had completely covered the surrounding plants so I couldn’t even see what plants were growing below it.

Another well-known aggressive ground cover is wedelia, Sphagneticola trilobata. If planted near a lawn, it will quickly invade the turf, eventually taking it over.  The aggressive nature of wedelia is so well known that it has earned a spot on our IFAS Assessment, which is why I never recommend this plant.

Here are some suggestions for well-behaved ground covers, beginning with some important Brevard County native keystone species. These keystone plants support local and migratory birds, which keeps the terrestrial food web functioning.

The Helianthus genus is our No. 2 keystone species in the flower/grass category. These plants support 58 species of caterpillars and 18 species of native bees. The Eastern dune sunflower, Helianthus debilis, produces a gorgeous mounding plant that is 2 to 4 feet tall and wide. This plant is typically covered in bright yellow daisy flowers held above deep green foliage.  Plant in a sunny location and watch it flourish.

The 15th keystone species for Brevard County is in the genus Oenothera, commonly called Evening primrose. These plants support 18 species of caterpillars. Two species grow less than a foot tall. Seabeach evening primrose, Oenothera humifusa, grows 3 to 6 inches tall and up to 3 feet wide. This plant is an herbaceous perennial that blooms all year long, with a peak bloom in the spring through the fall. The flowers are yellow, and the plants need full sun and do well in sandy, dry, well-draining soil.

Cut-leaf evening primrose, O. laciniata, grows to 3 inches tall and is also an herbaceous perennial. This plant will grow in full sun to partial shade. It also produces yellow flowers that open in the late afternoon and stay open all night, making them a great plant for a “moon garden.”

Blue porterweed makes a good ground cover and also is a nectar source for butterflies.
Blue porterweed makes a good ground cover and also is a nectar source for butterflies.

Here are some more great native ground cover plants to consider.

  • Blue porterweed, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, grows about a foot tall, creating a circle with a diameter of 2 to 3 feet, and produces blue flowers that are a nectar source for butterflies.

  • Sunshine mimosa, Mimosa strigillosa, creates a dense ground cover and provides wonderful erosion control. Word of warning: This plant is best treated like Wedelia, though, because it will continue to take over the yard, including the lawn and all other areas. It can spread underground and above ground, so consider that when choosing its location. A location surrounded by cement would be perfect.  No mowing will be needed, and the attractive pink pom-pom flowers attract pollinators.

  • Yarrow, Achillea millefolium, produces feathery-soft, bright green foliage that can reach 2 to 3 feet tall with a 1-foot spread. This is an attractive ground cover in full sun and partially shady locations. Tall umbels of white flowers attract butterflies, bees, and other pollinators, plus it is the host plant for the Painted Lady butterfly. If you have cavity-nesting birds in your yard, they will use yarrow to line their nests, which may inhibit parasites, and some small birds eat the yarrow seeds.

Some non-native options to consider for sunny locations (that receive at least six hours of direct sunlight each day) to partially shady areas include Daylily, Caladium, Trailing gazania (Gazania rigens), and Sweet potato cultivars (i.e., ‘Blackie’, ‘Margaritas’ and ‘Tricolor’). There are also the edible herbs Oregano and Thyme.

For shadier locations, including full shade, consider the following ground covers:

  • Baby sun rose, Aptenia cordifolia (this succulent ground cover can handle full sun in the winter but not as well through the summer, so it would be great planted underneath a deciduous tree)

  • Caladium, Mondo grass

  • Peacock ginger, Kaempferia pulchra.

I always recommend establishing the soil food web around the roots of plants, because that is how nature grows plants in wild, undisturbed areas. If you are interested, we have information on how to add the biology back to the soil to help your plants grow their best with less help from you.

We also have information on Brevard County's 16 Keystone genera and species for both the tree/shrub and flower/grass categories. If you would like either or both sets of information, contact the UF/IFAS Extension Brevard County Master Gardeners at [email protected].

There are many other ground covers to choose from, but these plants can get you started. Ground covers will increase the number of roots growing in the soil to support the soil food web and protect against erosion caused by heavy rainfall.

In addition, their foliage and/or flowers will add beauty to your landscape and protect against wind erosion and compaction from pounding rainstorms. Walk around your yard this weekend and see if there are some spots where you could plant new ground covers.

Sally Scalera is an urban horticulture agent and master gardener coordinator for the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences. Email her at [email protected].

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This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Protect your soil, attract butterflies and bees with ground covers