Florida Swim Team Receives Surprise Visit from Alligator During Practice

Alligator in Pool
Alligator in Pool

Courtesy of Lake County Sheriff's Office

The swim team at Monteverde Academy in Monteverde, Florida welcomed a new but temporary member to their squad the other week. A 3-foot-long alligator snuck into their pool before practice on March 10, but he didn't get to stick around for time trials.

Though he had a great tryout and certainly showed promise, school officials ultimately decided the little guy just wasn't the right fit for the team and called on the Lake County Sherriff's Office to break the news.

Deputies Faust and Brownsberger arrived on the scene to save the day—and the team's practice—by removing the trespasser. Deputy Brownsberger used a safety hook to bring the gator to the edge of the pool, then Deputy Faust reached down to grab the gator. They secured his mouth with electrical tape for transport, then released the lost wader to nearby Lake Apopka, where he could swim among comrades that are a little more his speed.

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"No deputies or gators were hurt during the encounter," the sheriff's office clarified in a Facebook post detailing the bizarre experience. Though the intruder was relatively small, the office took time to remind residents that alligators, no matter their size, can still bite a finger clear off, so it's best to keep your distance.

Just another day in Florida, folks!