Former president Jimmy Carter, 94, smooches 91-year-old wife Rosalynn on the kiss cam

Former president Jimmy Carter’s Valentine’s Day plans included catching a Hawks-Knicks game at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena. But the outing got a lot more romantic when he was featured on the kiss cam with his wife of almost 73 years, Rosalynn.

The 39th president took his wife to a Hawks-Knicks game for Valentine’s Day. (Photo: Twitter/Atlanta Hawks)
The 39th president took his wife to a Hawks-Knicks game for Valentine’s Day. (Photo: Twitter/Atlanta Hawks)

The kiss cam video shows the former POTUS wave at the camera, with an emcee responding, “No, no wave — a kiss!” The 94-year-old then leans over and kisses his 91-year-old wife while the crowd cheers.

“We’re going viral with that one,” the announcer says.

The couple was also caught on a kiss cam back in 2015while watching an Atlanta Braves game.

The Carters tied the knot in 1946, occupying the White House from 1977 to 1981. They moved back to Georgia when his presidency ended and still live in the ranch house they built in 1961.

“We feel at home here,” Carter told the Washington Post last summer. “And the folks in town, when we need it, they take care of us.”

The Atlanta Hawks honored the Carters for their humanitarian work on Thursday, which marked the team’s 50th anniversary, as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reports. Carter, who was born and raised in Georgia, has previously received a Nobel Peace Prize for “his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights and to promote economic and social development.”

The Carters celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary privately last year, but still frequently make public appearances, as evidenced by their adorable kiss cam cameo. Rosalynn Carter told the AJC in 2017 that there was one thing she wished she’d known at a younger age: “You can have a full life after 50.”

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