The Doctors TV

Fuller Lips without Getting Duck Lips?

The Doctors TV

Are you looking for the perfect pout without looking like a duck?

The Doctors welcome Nayera Senane, from Beauty By Nayera, who gives Rachel and Abby the "lip flip" procedure.

Watch: Does This 2-Minute Lip Plump Work?

Nayera injects hyaluronic acid along the lip line and also on the underside of the lip. Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon explains that this technique helps to avoid the dreaded duck lip.


Nayera tells The Doctors that bruising, swelling for about a week, and tenderness are a normal part of the procedure. She says the procedure typically lasts 6 to 9 months, but during the first treatment, some patients may need to return for a fill after 3 months.

Watch: Wasabi to Plump Lips?

After seeing her lips for the first time after the procedure, Abby says, "It looks so good!"

Dr. Ordon and Nayera recommend gradually increasing your lips and to avoid injecting an excess amount during a procedure and ending up with lips that are too large.
