Out Of The Goodness Of Your Heart, Please Help Kim Kardashian Understand What A Pickle Is

Photo credit: Randy Holmes - Getty Images
Photo credit: Randy Holmes - Getty Images

From Delish

Listen, guys. Kim Kardashian West (you know the one, yes?) has a lot going on in her life now and pretty much always. She has approximately three-to-five empires to run at any given time and none of them have ever been pickle-adjacent. Of course she doesn't know what a pickle is!

...By the way, I'm going to assume you do know what a pickle is for the rest of this post, so if you don't, now's the time to Google.

For context, Kimmy went viral about...a decade ago for not knowing what exactly happens in order to make a pickle exist in this world:

While her fans seemingly helped her figure it out shortly after that first tweet, Kim went viral earlier this week for admitting she still doesn't actually know! And that she doesn't care!

While she and her former assistant Steph Shep were going through her old tweets in a video posted to her app on September 13, the infamous pickle one inevitably came up. “I still don’t even know [what a pickle is]. And I don’t care to research," she said (...I wasn't lying!).

You know what? Go ahead and tweet her all the pickle knowledge in the world, but I think Kim is gonna be just fine, regardless of her below-average gherkin awareness. I think she's gonna be juuust fine.

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