Google to Fix Cheeseburger, Fill Up Beer Emojis in Latest Android Update

Last month, Google sparked a global debate on an unusual topic for a tech company: Where does the cheese belong on a cheeseburger? The controversy began when it was pointed out that Google’s cheeseburger emoji chose to place its slice of American under the patty: an atypical choice seeing as melting cheese under the beef on a grill would be messy to say the least. This flub caused the public to re-evaluate all of Google’s food emojis, revealing a few other abnormalities including beer mugs that weren’t full but still had foam on top and cheese with holes that defied physics.

At the time, Google CEO Sundar Pichai took to Twitter to promise that his company would “drop everything else we are doing and address” the emoji issues. And apparently, he wasn’t kidding. Almost exactly one month after Pichai’s promise, the site Emojipedia reports that a new beta release of the latest update for Android, version 8.1, has indeed fixed these food emoji oddities. Though the small images are otherwise pretty much the same, the cheeseburger emoji has moved the cheese above the beef, the beer and clinking beers emojis have both seen their mugs filled to the brim, and the cheese emoji, which previously had the line drawn to represent its edge cutting magically through its holes, has seen those oversights removed.

Though with so much publicity behind these emoji problems, making fixes was pretty inevitable, but Emojipedia does warn, “As this is a beta update, no changes are final, and these could change prior to the public release.” Reportedly, Android 8.1 is only being previewed for developers right now with the larger rollout not expected until next month. Still, it seems unlikely that Google would suddenly decide to take a major culinary stand and move the cheese back to the bottom of the burger. Let’s be honest: Google has introduced innovative technologies to a lot of different industries, but reinventing the cheeseburger probably isn’t a field the company wants to worry about right now.