Grandparents Taking Their Elderly Cat on Daily Morning Walks Is Serious Life Goals

This is the meaning of life.

We saw a glimpse into our future, or at least what we hope is our future, thanks to a video from TikTok user @olive_and_odin. This TikToker decided to share with the world what her grandparents do every morning. And once you see this video, you'll also add this to your life goals.

Her grandparents, both in the 90s, adopted an elderly cat. Every single morning the three of them go on a walk and it's absolutely precious. Just wait until you see what they walk the cat in.

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If this isn’t how we are when we’re in our 90s, then we don’t want it! This is truly the definition of goals. And clearly, that cat is living like royalty like come on, just look at how he's getting carted around. LOL!

“Wonderful they can all enjoy their golden years together. Angus is one lucky kitty,” said @maria_62_1. Aww, that’s so true! And you can just see how much the three of them love these morning walks together. @meganjfp added, “You can tell Angus is living his best life with your grandies. He looks so happy.” Right?! A dream!

TikTok user, @patrinaweena, wrote what we’re all thinking, “They are in their 90s? They look amazing.” The secret to looking this good must be adopting an elderly pet and taking them on daily walks. Guess we should start doing this ASAP!

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