How to Grow and Care for String of Dolphins

<p>The Spruce / Krystal Slagle</p>

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

Reviewed by Debra LaGattuta

String of dolphins, also known as flying dolphins and dolphin plant, is a vining succulent whose folded leaves look like small, leaping dolphins. This popular houseplant is often grown in hanging pots. String of dolphins requires full sunlight and well-draining soil so that its roots will not rot. These vines are hardy in hot climates, but in most of the United States, they're grown indoors, perhaps with a brief stint outside in the summer. Senecio vines such as string of dolphins may be mildly toxic to humans and pets.

Common Name

String of dolphins, dolphin plant, flying dolphins

Botanical Name

Senecio peregrinus



Plant Type

Succulent, vine

Mature Size

1-2 ft. tall, 6-12 in. wide

Sun Exposure


Soil Type


Soil pH

Acidic, neutral

Bloom Time


Flower Color


Hardiness Zones

9-11 (USDA)

Native Area



Toxic to people, pets

String of Dolphins Care

String of dolphins are generally considered to be low-maintenance succulents. Here are the main requirements for growing a string of dolphins plant:

  • Choose a sunny spot, ideally in a south-facing window.

  • Prepare well-draining soil, such a pre-made succulent/cacti mix.

  • Water the plant thoroughly when the soil has dried completely,

  • Feed string of dolphins lightly, no more than once a month, during the growing season.

<p>The Spruce / Krystal Slagle</p>

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

<p>The Spruce / Krystal Slagle</p>

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle


Although it can easily get sunburned in direct sun when grown outdoors, when grown as a houseplant, string of dolphins does best when it receives at least six hours of sunlight a day.

A south-facing window is ideal, but it can adapt to medium light when grown indoors as well. If needed, use grow lights to provide additional light.


As with most succulents, a string of dolphins requires arid, well-draining soil. Commercially available cactus/succulent mixes are fine for this plant, but you can also make your own mix at home. Simply combine 2 parts potting soil, 1 part pumice or perlite, and 1 part sand.


String of dolphins leaves can retain water for a long period of time, and as such, they are considered drought-tolerant and do not require regular watering.

Allow the soil to dry thoroughly between waterings to avoid root rot, and then water well. Cut back on watering during the fall and winter months when the plant goes into dormancy.

Temperature and Humidity

When grown indoors, String of Dolphins grows well in average household temperatures and humidity levels. Interestingly, while these plants are not frost-tolerant, they tend to prefer cooler temperatures than the average succulent. They tolerate winter temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius).

If you live in an area with cold winters, you don’t have to be as careful placing your plant near cold or drafty windows as you would with a string of pearls plant.


String of dolphins do not require regular fertilizing. In fact, over-fertilizing this plant can cause the leaves to lose their iconic dolphin shape. However, they can benefit from a light feeding in the early spring to help boost growth and encourage blooming.

Using an organic fertilizer such as worm compost, liquid kelp, or fish emulsion is usually recommended.


In order to encourage more growth points near the base of your string of dolphins, pruning is recommended optimally during the spring or summer when it is growing heartily. This will promote growth into a bushier shape. Additionally, if your string of dolphins has become too leggy with many of its "dolphins" missing at the base, pruning can be the remedy. You can also plant the cuttings that you get from pruning back in the pot, which will make the plant even fuller.

Propagating String of Dolphins

String of dolphins can be easily propagated from stem cuttings in water or soil. The best seasons to do this are spring and summer and all you will need is your garden shears.

  1. Take cuttings that have at least 2-3 nodes along the stem for the best chance of success. The nodes can be found at the points where the leaves emerge from the stems and are where the new roots will grow.

  2. Remove the leaves from the bottom node or two to ensure that they don't rot.

  3. Place cuttings in a glass or vase of water and change the water every few days. Roots should develop within a couple of weeks, at which point you can transfer the cutting to soil.

If you are propagating string of dolphins in soil only, simply lay the stem cutting on top of the soil and ensure that the soil is kept moist until roots develop.

Potting and Repotting String of Dolphins

This trailing succulent can tolerate being root-bound and does not need to be repotted regularly. In fact, one of the best ways to encourage blooms is to keep the plant slightly root-bound.

However, every few years you should repot a string of dolphins to refresh its potting medium and increase pot size, usually one size larger.

Using a pot with adequate drainage holes is important to prevent root rot and waterlogged soil. String of dolphins can do well in both plastic and terra-cotta pots, however, some gardeners prefer terra-cotta because it helps to absorb excess soil moisture.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Common houseplant pests such as aphids, mealybugs, scale, and spider mites can be an issue for string of dolphins. These pests are sap-suckers, and if left untreated can wreak havoc on a healthy plant. With early detection and proper treatment these common houseplant pests can easily be brought under control.

These plants are not prone to any particular diseases, other than root rot which is caused by overwatering. If you water only when the soil is completely dry, plant it in a pot with adequate drainage holes, and use a well-draining soil mix, you shouldn’t run into any issues.

How to Get String of Dolphins to Bloom

A string of dolphins plant in relatively good health should occasionally bloom without issue.

Bloom Months

String of dolphins tends to flower in the spring and summer, though they may bloom at odd times as houseplants, especially if grown under grow lights.

What Do String of Dolphins Flowers Look and Smell Like?

The small, white cloud-like flowers of string of dolphins are sweet-smelling. Some even believe they smell like cinnamon.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Ensure that your string of dolphins is getting enough sunlight, and if that can't be achieved in your home, consider adding a grow light. Though you want to avoid rotting the rots, be sure that when you do occasionally water these plants, water them deeply.

Caring for String of Dolphins After It Blooms

These plants require no specific care after blooming. Continue to care for string of dolphins as you have been. You may find that other vines in the pot begin to bloom next.

Common Problems with String of Dolphins

String of dolphins is a low-maintenance houseplant, as long as you give it enough light and water it properly.

Shriveling Leaves at the Base

Like the similar string of pearls, string of dolphins can be tricky to water properly. When these vines do not get enough water, the "dolphins" closest to the base will begin to shrivel up. It's critical that the soil dry out in between watering so that the roots do not rot, but when the plant does get watered, it must be watered deeply.

Once it's time to water, pour water through the pot so that it is flowing out of the draining hole, ensuring that the soil is thoroughly saturated. Bottom watering is another effective watering method.

Additionally, as the healthy vines get longer and longer, the "dolphins" at the base may also begin to shrivel up simply as part of their natural growth pattern. You can keep your pot of string of dolphins bushy by pruning any leggy vines that are losing their leaves near the base.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much sun does string of dolphins need?

String of dolphins requires full sunlight, which means at least six hours a day. Indoors, this can be achieved near a south-facing window and/or with the help of grow lights.

Are string of dolphins hard to take care of?

Once you get the watering down, string of dolphins is a low-maintenance plant. Wait until the soil dries out completely, but then water thoroughly. However, if you simply cannot offer a string of dolphins plant six or more hours of sunlight in your home, it will be impossible for it to thrive.

Do string of dolphins plants like to be misted?

String of dolphins prefer dry conditions, and as such, misting will do nothing for them.

How do I make my string of dolphins fuller?

You can encourage more growth points near the base of the pot, making your string of dolphins fuller, by pruning long vines and leggy vines. You can make the pot even more full by propagating these pruned vines directly back into the main pot.

Read the original article on The Spruce.