A Guide to Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima's Explosive Breakup Drama

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Photo credit: Getty Images


Late Tuesday afternoon, TMZ broke the news that Kourtney Kardashian and her 25-year-old model boyfriend Younes Bendjima had split, and Kardashian that instigated it. People reported via their own source that “it didn’t end well.”

While some celebrities keep up a civil front of silence or post carefully-crafted statements written on the Notes app in the hours after news like that breaks, Bendjima and Kardashian went an entirely different route. Bendjima got dramatic on his Instagram stories; Kardashian's sisters took jabs at him in the Shade Room's Instagram comments; and the girl Bendjima allegedly was rebounding with spoke out. There's a lot to unpack.

How Kourtney and Younes Reacted to Their Breakup

Both unfollowed each other on Instagram before it broke, a clear sign their breakup maybe wasn't completely amicable. Then Bendjima basically made it clear things aren't good in the Instagram stories he posted following news coverage of the split.

"They really want me to be the bad guy," Benjima wrote over a screenshot of Daily Mail's coverage of him alleging he's already rebounding with a model. "Fuck your Hollywood bullshit. (Can't have fun with your friends no more.) Dailymail, Where are my 12 other friendssss? Nice catch tho." Then he posted a second Instagram story with them. "Oh found them," he wrote.

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

He got a little more dramatic two hours later. "Once again you guys failed," he wrote, presumably to fans and the media. "I'm not attached to this 'life' so you can't touch me. I know who I am, where I'm from, and where I'm going and that bothers you. Only one opinion matter [sic]: The one of my Lord. Have a wonderful day."

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Kardashian, meanwhile, just posted Instagram stories of her out with her children and celebrating her family's Calvin Klein campaign launch. She was with Kim Kardashian, notably, a sign they're fine post-that Twitter fight some fans were convinced was staged to promote their show.

At this point, neither have deleted their Instagrams together yet.

Kim and Khloé Kardashian Throw Shade at Younes

While Kourtney Kardashian remained quiet about the breakup on her social media, her sisters both took aim at Bendjima in screenshots of his Instagram stories that The Shade Room shared on its Instagram account. On Bendjima's first Instagram story to Daily Mail, Khloé commented, "Alexa, play 'Heard It All Before' by Sunshine Anderson."

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

On Bendjima's more dramatic final Instagram story, Kim wrote, "Nice pics from your 'boys trip'" with a Pinocchio lying nose emoji. Petty? Absolutely but not surprising given Kim and Kourtney publicly having drama this week. He did not respond.

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Younes' Alleged Rebound Says She's Not His Rebound

Finally, the girl Bendjima was reported to be having a rebound with, model Jordan Ozuna, released her own statement to E! asserting nothing is actually going on between them. "Younes and I are not involved romantically at all," she said. "We were both invited to Mexico for a mutual friend's birthday party with 13 other people. It was nothing more than friends having fun at the beach. No, we aren't romantically involved in any way, shape or form."


A post shared by Jordan (@jiordyn) on Aug 3, 2018 at 12:49pm PDT

E! reports an eyewitness told them Ozuna and Bendjima were actually "together alone" and "kissing all night" while out at a club in Cancun.

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