Hailey Baldwin Denies Threatening to "Kill" Selena Gomez

From Seventeen

Ah, the drama continues. Following the release of Selena Gomez's new song "Leave You to Love Me," many fans instantly pointed out that the lyrics seem to aim directly at the singer's ex, Justin Bieber. Things got even more complicated, though, when Hailey Baldwin took to Instagram to show off the song she just happened to be listening to right after Sel's release. The song is called, "I'll Kill You," and many took the timing of Hailey's Instagram Story as a direct jab at Selena, or even as a threat.

Of course, chaos ensued. Twitter began attacking Hailey for supposedly shading Selena, and the model even had to turn off her Instagram comments because so many Sel fans were coming at her. Finally, though Hailey had enough. When she saw an Instagram post about her alleged shading on Just Jared's page, she decided to comment.

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

"Please stop with this nonsense," she wrote. "There is no 'response.' This is complete BS."

Well, there you have it. As much as we all pine for Jelena/Jailey drama, there doesn't seem to be anything to see here. That is, other than the major savagery that is Sel's song about Justin.

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