Hang Ten in Hawaii With This Resort's Canine Ambassador

Photo credit: Turtle Bay Resort
Photo credit: Turtle Bay Resort

From House Beautiful

Are you lucky enough to be planning a Hawaiian vacation? First of all, CONGRATS! Great idea! And second of all, where are you going to stay? There are probably thousands of resorts, hotels, and rentals to choose from in this paradise, each more beautiful than the next. How do you know which spot is the perfect one for you? Well, if you're a dog lover, look no further: The Turtle Bay Resort, on Oahu's glorious North Shore, has got you covered.

Yes, Turtle Bay is pet-friendly, but how many of us mainlanders are able to pack up Fido along with our surfboards? To make sure you get your dog fix even if Fido is staying home, this resort thoughtfully provides an on-site dog in the form of its very own Official Canine Ambassador. The Labrador Retriever pup is named Pono, which is the Hawaiian word for "righteousness," and everything about him is definitely right: Just look at that furry little face!

Pono just turned one-his birthday was March 5, if you want to send him a belated card!-and according to the resort's website, his skills include being super-cuddly, fetching like a boss, and having the uncanny ability to make people fall in love with him at first sight. And because he's a very good boy, he is also working toward getting service-dog certification through a fantastic nonprofit organization called Hawaii Fi-Do.

Resort guests can usually find Pono greeting visitors in the lobby or hanging out with the horses at the horseback-riding facility, and those who want more individual pup-time can even go hiking with him! He's available for "pawsome hiking adventures" every Tuesday and Thursday.

Photo credit: Turtle Bay Resort
Photo credit: Turtle Bay Resort

If you can't make it to Hawaii this year, no worries-you can follow along with all of Pono's resort antics on Instagram @ponoturtlebay. Yes, there are surfing videos. You're welcome. And aloha!

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