Health Teams Up With Natural Cycles and OKREAL to Talk About Birth Control on World Contraception Day

Health Teams Up With Natural Cycles and OKREAL to Talk About Birth Control on World Contraception Day

Birth control should be simple, right? If only. Navigating all the options and finding the right one for you can be daunting. And when your life changes—you lose your health insurance, for example, or you settle into a relationship—your birth control often needs to change as well. No wonder close to half of all pregnancies every year in the United States are unintended.

RELATED: 16 Worst Birth Control Mistakes

Health is here to help. On September 26, 2019—World Contraception Day—Health is teaming up with OKREAL, a woman-focused mentorship program, and Natural Cycles, an app-based, hormone-free method of birth control, to bring you the Voice of Choice, a conversation about today’s contraception options and what women can collectively do to make them more accessible and empowering.

The two-hour event will take place on the third floor of Primary, located at 26 Broadway in New York City. Panelists include Esther Crain, deputy digital editor at Health; Attia Taylor, founder of Womanly; Megan Tantillo, RN and founder of Holistic Health Code, and Elina Berglund, founder of the Natural Cycles app, which helps prevent pregnancy by using a body temperature to gauge whether a woman is in a fertile phase of her cycle.

RELATED: 7 Common Birth Control Side Effects

OKREAL’s Amy Fraser will moderate the panel. Audience members are encouraged to join the conversation by asking questions and posing solutions, so women can get to a place where birth control is better, easier, and more accessible.

In case you needed another reason to go, Egg Shop—the city's beloved breakfast and brunch spot—will be catering breakfast for the event. RSVP on OKREAL's website, and we'll see you there!

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