This Heatable Plush Sloth Will Keep You Warm Through the Colder Months

Photo credit: Smoko
Photo credit: Smoko

From House Beautiful

We don’t care if you’re 6 years old or 60 years old — cuddling with a stuffed animal is just straight-up comfy. Now you have even more reason to keep one on your bed, because these plush toys heat up so you stay cozy all fall and winter.

The heatable plushies were created by Smoko, a gift and accessories brand, but they’re being sold at Urban Outfitters. You have your choice of a sloth, corgi dog, or heart. They come with a microwavable pouch that you warm up for a minute before putting it in the stuffed animal and getting your snuggle on. The pouches are filled with flaxseed and lavender, so you’ll also get a calming scent.

Each of the plush toys are $29 and available for order on Urban Outfitters. People who have already bought the heatable plushies have boasted how they help with cramps, so it looks like they’ll keep you warm and assist with some ailments. We’re sold!

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