How You Can Help Veto the Arkansas Bill Restricting Access To Medical Treatments for Transgender Teens

Photo credit: Guy Smallman
Photo credit: Guy Smallman

From Seventeen

On Monday, Arkansas became the first state to pass a bill that prohibits doctors from providing gender-affirming medical care for transgender children, including treatments like puberty-blockers, hormone therapies, and any transition-related surgeries. Chase Strangio, deputy director for transgender justice at the American Civil Liberties Union LGBT & HIV Project called the Arkansas House Bill 1570 "the single most extreme anti-trans law to ever pass through a state legislature."

For a group that has been disenfranchised time and time again, this bill is another despicable blow to transgender children. Right now, more than two dozen states are considering one of two bills similar to Arkansas' that restrict trans children from gender-affirming care or ban them from competing on the sports teams of their gender identity. Arkansas is among three states that already has the sports bill in place.

Now, the Arkansas bill will head to the desk of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, a man who already proved to be anti-trans last week when he signed a bill banning transgender girls form competing on sports teams consistent with their gender identity.

According to USA Today, spokeswoman for the Governor has said he will review the bill and listen to the debate on it before he makes a decision on whether or not to sign it into law. That means we have time to convince the Governor that Arkansas House Bill 1570 is an attack on the lives of trans people under the age of 18. Here's what you can do to help.

Get in contact with the Governor.

Call the Governor's office at 501-682-2345 or email him at [email protected] and let him know he needs to veto this bill. You can also send a message to the Governor through the ACLU's website.

Speak Out

You may not have money to donate, but you have a voice and you have a platform. Speak out about what is going on in Arkansas. Educate your peers, parents, and friends. GLAAD has some tips on how to be an ally to Transgender people as well as answers to frequently asked questions your friends and family may have. The more we talk about what's going on, the more support we can get.


The ACLU has already said that they plan to take legal action if the bill is signed into law. "It violates the Constitution," Chase said. "It singles out a group of young people solely because you do not understand them and because you find them to be politically unpopular."

Chase admitted, "the litigation will be costly and it will painful for the young people who have to endure it. But we will be standing with them … and we will take this to court as soon as we have to and as fast as we have to."

If you are able to, support and donate to the ACLU to help them raise money for the impending lawsuit. You can also support other LGBTQ organizations, especially those serving the Trans community in Arkansas.

  • Northwest Arkansas Equality provides programming, education, advocacy, and more to the LGBTQ community in Northwest Arkansas.

  • PFLAG is the largest and oldest organization supporting the LGBTQ community, as well as their families, friends, and allies.

  • Lucie's Place provides support for LGBTQ young adults in central Arkansas, providing them with a safe place to live if need be, and supporting equality and acceptance. They are also accepting donations of bus passes, clothing, toiletries, and more.

  • A donation to Intransitive will go directly to fighting anti-Trans bills like Bill 1570, as well as supporting an organization advocating for and helping Trans people throughout Arkansas.

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