Here's What It Means When You Dream You're Pregnant, According to Experts Who Specialize in Dream Interpretation

Maybe you've been trying to get pregnant for a long time, or perhaps you definitely don't want to be (and there's no way you could be). But this morning, you woke up from a dream in which you were totally, 100% pregnant.

It might leave you screaming like you're in labor. Deep breaths, as an OB/GYN or midwife, would say.

"Dreaming about being pregnant is not cause for concern, as there are many reasons your subconscious mind would visualize you as pregnant," explains Olivia Dreizen Howell, a clinical hypnotherapist, certified neurolinguistic practitioner and subconscious mind expert.

For starters? "Dreaming about being pregnant does not mean you are," Howell says. "However, it's understandable that if someone does not want to be pregnant, and they dream about being pregnant, it could rattle their nervous system."

Your subconscious may be using pregnancy as a symbol for something else. Most commonly, it means new things are coming. "In a figurative and symbolic context, pregnancy often symbolizes the onset of a fresh start, representing a potential yet to be fully realized, akin to an idea awaiting fruition," says dream interpreter Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis.

Still, one psychologist says the reasons for dreams aren't one-size-fits-all.

"The interpretation of dreams is very subjective," says Dr. Alicia Roth, PhD, a board-certified in behavioral sleep medicine and clinical health psychologist at Cleveland Clinic. "The person having the dream is the only one who can ascribe meaning to the dream."

Understanding some common reasons for pregnancy dreams can help you sort through your feelings based on your circumstances. Experts shared more insights, and Dr. Roth discussed ways to determine what your subconscious is telling you during a pregnancy dream.

Related: 57 Hidden Meanings Behind the Most Common Dreams, Decoded by Experts

What Does a Pregnancy Dream Mean When You're Not Pregnant?

1. You're manifesting

Pregnancy dreams can be particularly confusing if you're not trying to get pregnant. However, one dream analyst shares that people trying to conceive also have these dreams. In these instances, the meaning can be straightforward:

"If you are actively trying to get pregnant, you will probably dream you are pregnant and, obviously, this is a combination of manifesting and subconscious dress rehearsal," says Lauri Loewenberg, a dream expert and author.

2. You're at a crossroads

You may be at an inflection point in your life. Perhaps you're considering a big cross-country move, a new relationship or a career change.

"Your subconscious may be attuned to the seeds of change you've sown, anticipating the imminent transformation," Mary says. "Your dream could be urging you to embrace and prepare for the exciting prospects on the horizon."

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3. Personal growth

A growing belly may signal personal growth on the horizon.

"As pregnancy is the ultimate symbol for growth—growth of humankind—our subconscious mind considers any type of personal development or growth as an extension of our growth as a human," Howell says. "It would make sense for the image of us as a pregnant person—literally growing someone new—would show up in our dreams."

Howell adds these dreams are common among people going through significant developments, like working with a healer, therapist or grief counselor to resolve past issues and expand their mindset.

4. You're a nurturing person

Dreaming can be a symbol of your nurturing nature.

"This is especially true if you have been pregnant previously," Howell says. "If you dream about being pregnant again, it can bring up the nurturing and protective feelings you had for your baby."

Definitely not pregnant now or ever? "Sometimes, when people get a new pet, they dream that they are pregnant because they are bonding with the new pet and feeling empathy, compassion and nurturing feelings toward the animal," Howell says. "This is just your subconscious mind reminding you that you are capable of feeling these feelings, and the pregnancy in the dream is simply a metaphor for these feelings."

Related: What It Means When You Have a Dream About Being Chased, According to Dream Experts

5. Emotional release

Sometimes, we don't get our feelings out during the day. So, our subconscious does the work while we catch some Zzzs.

"Depending on the context of the dream, if the dream is particularly upsetting, it may signify the need to get something out of your system such as anger, guilt or shame that has been growing inside you," Loewenberg explains. "Alternatively, if the dream was particularly exciting, it could be connected to great news or some sort of wisdom or knowledge you can't wait to get out of you."

6. A numbers game

The number of babies you're expecting in your pregnancy dream matters. "Twins can mean that something you are currently working on feels like double the effort or perhaps will yield double the payoff or maybe it has two elements," Loewenberg says. "Perhaps you have two ideas in the works or you are currently growing a career and a relationship."

Expecting triplets or more? "The amount will be directly connected to that same amount of something in real life," Loewenberg says. "Is three your lucky number? You may be feeling that the odds are really good that what you've got in the works is going to pay off. Are there three things you are working on? How does the amount of three fit your life right now?"

Related: If You Keep Having Crazy Dreams, Here’s What Might Be Going On

7. When you're pregnant with a non-human being...

Dreaming you're expecting something other than a human can be especially jarring, but it's a message from your subconscious.

"Should you dream of being pregnant or giving birth to something non-human, it's crucial to focus on your emotional response within the dream," Mary says. "Feeling fear and aversion may indicate underlying obstacles hindering the realization of new opportunities."

You may feel disgusted and contemptuous during and after the dream. "Conversely, if you feel intrigued or captivated by your unconventional creation, it could signify your subconscious's acknowledgment and acceptance of your individuality," she adds.

Related: The Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming About Your Ex, According to a Dream Analyst

Decoding Pregnancy Dreams

Not sure which one of the above applies to you? Dreams are highly personal, and a professional can help you dig deeper.

"As a sleep psychologist, if someone came to me having the dreams you described above, I would assess several things," Dr. Roth says.

Dr. Roth would ask:

  • Were the dreams upsetting, distressing or nightmare-like?

  • Do the dreams significantly interfere with sleep?

  • How do these dreams affect your ability to function during the day?

  • Do you feel upset or some negative emotion or feeling during the day after having one of these dreams?

"Unless your mood or sleep are significantly negatively affected, I would reassure someone with these types of dreams that they are relatively normal," Dr. Roth says.

Up Next: How to Be Happier in 31 Days, According to Mental Health Experts
