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Here's Where You Can Find the Best Dollar-Slice Pizza in Manhattan

Jamie Miles
1 min read
Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey
Photo credit: Kayla Ramsey

It's no secret New York is known for its pizza, and as commonly as you spot a Starbucks in the city, you're bound to see a dollar-slice joint tempting you with their 99-cent special.

I mean, who hasn't had the experience of late-night drinking in the East Village, Hell's Kitchen, or even Times Square and ended the night spending the last dollar you had on a greasy New York slice? The fact that the dollar slice has remained a city staple is amazing in and of itself. These pizza slice spots offer a unique taste of what the city can offer — greasy New York slices for less than the cost of a subway ride.

Without a doubt, the price is right, but which dollar slice pizza joint wins out for best flavor? To answer the question, we at Best Products challenged ourselves to a slice-off! We researched the best slice spots in the city (all that served slices for $1), picked one location from each chain (when applicable), and taste-tested one plain slice each, in one (long) tummy-ache-inducing afternoon.

The Taste Testers:

My own pizza-obsessed self, Jamie, and the blogger behind For the Love of Pizza.


Danielle St. Pierre, our food and drink editor, who's written about everything from the best frozen pizza to the best cocktails to wash them down with afterwards!

Brian Murray, our experiences editor, who's written numerous pieces on the best restaurants for every type of food craving you have — from NYC bagels to BYOB restaurants and more!

The Dollar Slice Contenders:

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