Hi Hello, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Is Here

Hi Hello, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Is Here

From Cosmopolitan

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Limbo sucks, doesn’t it? Sometimes, we just feel stuck. The Hanged Man shows that there’s no fighting this energy, so just wait. Settle in and use this time to do something useful and within your control, even if it’s analyzing why this is happening. Look at the situation from all angles—you might uncover something valuable and see how you can get past this stagnant moment.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Love is in the air, Aries, which is always welcome news to a fire sign like you. You like it hot! The Ace of Cups shows that you can heat up your love life with some attention and effort. Choose the object of your affection and focus on them. You’re irresistible this week!


Photo credit: Getty/Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Getty/Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Make your own happiness this week, Taurus, by indulging in your favorite pleasures and comforts. The Nine of Cups shows that the Universe wants you to create a little fantasy lifestyle for yourself. You’re ruled by Venus, so you need a little luxury and beauty in your life! Recharge your energy by reveling in what makes you happiest.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Someone is noticing what a powerhouse you are, and they're ready to give you a chance to do even more. Lean into this new opportunity. Network. Hustle. Do what you do best, Gem: Make something happen! You can go further than you think is possible right now.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

You’re the zodiac’s biggest homebody—but not this week, Cancer. The King of Wands has you running here, there, and everywhere, doing as much as you can (safely!) outside the house. See some new places, even if it's just taking a different route for a walk around your neighborhood. Whatever you can do outside of the home, this is THE week to try them.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Are you in some kind of love triangle, by any chance? The Lovers indicates that passions are running high, but there's complication and confusion. Maybe you're in a relationship but nurturing a crush on someone new, or maybe you're single but into someone who really isn’t available. Attraction is complicated, and it doesn’t obey rules. Do what you will, but be nice and be careful.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

You're feeling a surge of affection and appreciation for your friends, family, and even coworkers this week. The Ten of Cups sees you getting all warm and fuzzy about the people who’ve been by your side through the shitshow that is 2020. They've made you laugh, soothed your panic, showed you how to handle things, and helped you keep going. Tell them how much they mean to you this week.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

You are bored. Bored, bored, bored. And that is a dangerous thing for a Libra, because you can get yourself into hot water REAL fast. The Four of Cups asks you to breathe, recalibrate, and refocus on the positives. You're forgetting what you have and focusing too much on what you lack. Stop this. Appreciate the good, and you’ll soon realize how lucky you are.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Don't freak out! Death is actually your sign’s tarot card, so this is going to be an interesting week for you, Scorpio. It's a week where things change—for the better. Death is all about transformation, so expect to end the week in a different position from where you began. Let things unfold, and make the most of whatever you get. Even if the ride is bumpy, the result will be just what you need.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Something you’ve been working hard at has gotten draining, and you're wondering if it’s worth continuing. The Seven of Coins asks you to re-assess your situation. Don't be afraid to call it quits and invest your energy elsewhere. Sometimes, things just run their course, and there’s nothing we can do about that. Recognize where you’re wasting your time, and resolve to make a change.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

No one needs to tell you anything twice, Cap. You know what you’re meant to be doing and you get on with it. The Eight of Coins, however, is here to tell you to keep pressing on, no matter what. You can’t see it yet, but the finish line is closer than you know. A breakthrough is coming, but you’ve got to keep working. Trust that success is near.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The Hermit indicates that it's all happening behind the scenes, Aquarius. You're taking yourself, your life, and your ambitions seriously, and working on everything privately. You don’t need, or want, help or input. This is a solo mission, and it feels good to be in control. Avoid distraction, and you’re on the right path.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

You’ll be pleased to hear that the theme for the week ahead is pleasure! The Three of Cups is a fun-loving card, reminding us that we need to make the most of what’s around us. Whatever your circumstances are right now, look for pleasure and joy. Think of this as a ~vacay week~ and treat yourself!

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