Hi, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

Your Sex Horoscope for the WeekendMargie Rischiotto - Hearst Owned

What’s happening: The Moon is in Cancer tonight, and at 9:40 p.m. tomorrow, it enters flashy Leo. Mercury (which is still retrograde) harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of surprises, on Sunday. On Monday, the love planets Venus and Mars are in harmony, easing some of the Mars Retrograde tension and helping your love life flourish. On Wednesday, Mercury squares off with the asteroid Chiron, bringing up difficult conversations. On Thursday, Venus links up with Chiron, taking away some of the sting from these tough talks, and Mars Retrograde finally ends!

What that means for you:


It’s a great weekend for hookups, Aries! The Leo Moon in your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun is firing you up, and you’re feeling extra confident and ready for action. The good vibes continue on Monday, when Venus and Mars connect. This astro makes you more extroverted and sociable, so if you’re single and ready to mingle, you might just find your next crush this week!


You’re having a much easier time putting yourself out there this weekend, thanks to the Cancer Moon. This is a great time for romance! Letting your walls down is easier, and you’re more in touch with your feelings. The planet of surprises, Uranus—which is in your sign right now—is activated by Mercury this weekend, meaning that this is a big opportunity to put yourself out there, shake things up, and make a real change in your love life. Try something new in bed, ask someone out, or just spice things up however you can!


Your job this week is to open up. Maybe you’ve been crushing super hard on someone for a long time—tell them how you feel! Maybe you’ve felt like there’s an imbalance in your relationship—now you need to bring it up. Maybe there’s even an ex who you’re still caught up on. Now’s the time to talk about it with someone you trust so you can move on. Let it all out, Gemini.


There’s some potential that you’ll run into an ex this week, Cancer, but it doesn’t look like there’s any beef between the two of you. Maybe you’re bumping into someone you saw for a while, but you grew apart. Maybe it’s an ex-FWB looking for a little fun. Whoever it is, I say you should consider giving them a chance. Don’t rush into any new relationships or anything like that, though! Take it slow for now.


The Cancer Moon this weekend makes you feel über lonely, but once the week starts proper, things get much better. The love planets are flirting in some of the most social parts of your birth chart on Monday, so it’s a great time to go out—you might bump into a potential new boo! If you meet any good matches, arrange for your first date (or hookup) to happen after Mars Retrograde ends on Thursday.


Keep an eye on your inbox this week, Virgo. It looks like an ex is sliding into your DMs looking for a little action! They’re definitely not looking for love or anything serious, JSYK. But if you can keep a hookup strictly a hookup, nothing’s stopping you from having a fun time! Here’s the thing, though—can you keep a hookup strictly a hookup? You’re more emotional right now, so if you’re not positive that you can keep things casual and not catch feelings, don’t go for it.


You need to go out of your way to display affection toward the people you care about this week. You might not think you’ve been closed off or keeping people out, but that’s the impression others are getting. Make sure you show your partner how eager you are to be with them. If you’ve been flirting with someone for a while and you’ve been waiting for them to make a move, why don’t you make a move? Think about it. You get what you give this week.


There’s been a lack of chemistry in the bedroom lately, thanks to Mars Retrograde, and instead of tackling the problem head-on, you have, in true Scorpio fashion, elected to ignore the issue and hope it goes away. Well, it hasn’t gone away, and your sex life is still pretty boring. You gotta change it up! Talk to your partner and ask them if there’s anything kinky or new they want to try. Make sure to listen, and you might hear something that really turns you on. Then try it out—and have fun!


Monday’s astro is downright delightful for your love life, whether you’re single or taken, so that’s the best time to plan date night. Mars Retrograde has been tearing up your chart’s relationships zone and making your love life a mess for nearly three months, but this week, it finally ends. But first, you need to get through Wednesday. Wednesday’s astro is major—any feelings of resentment, or anger, or unresolved conflict are coming out, and if your relationship’s in bad shape, it might not survive. But if you can weather the storm, you can rest assured that you’re absolutely with the right person for you.


The Cancer Moon this weekend is great for romance, and once the Moon enters Leo on Saturday, the vibe becomes more sensual and intimate. Whether you’re looking for love or a hot hookup, Sunday’s astro is perfect for you—Uranus, the planet of surprises, is lighting up your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun, so as long as you’re willing to put yourself out there and ask for it, you can get whatever (or whoever) you want!


You’re swamped with work tonight, but tomorrow night, the Moon enters your chart’s relationships zone, kicking off an entire week of splendid astro for your love life. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is in your sign, making you look and feel better than ever. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of libido, is firing up your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun. Basically, you’re feeling very lucky when it comes to getting lucky this week, and once Mars Retrograde is over on Thursday, your sex life gets hotter than ever!


It doesn’t look like you’re getting a great deal of action this week, unfortunately. This weekend, however, doesn’t look too bad! The Moon in Cancer makes you feel more confident and flirty, so shooting your shot is easier than ever. On Sunday, Mercury and Uranus mingle in some of the most social parts of your chart, so finding someone to fool around with is a breeze.

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