Hi, Your Weekly Horoscope Hath Arrived

Hi, Your Weekly Horoscope Hath Arrived

From Cosmopolitan

Zodiac the vote! In the United States, Election Day is on Tuesday and Mercury Retrograde ends at 12:49pm EDT. Here’s hoping it helps minimize the polarization. Mercury, now freshly direct in Libra, squares Saturn in Capricorn on Friday, helping the zodiac understand boundaries, reciprocity, and mutuality.


Seek understanding, ram! Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled partnership zone on Tuesday, helping you balance your desire to be understood with an equally strong desire to be understanding. Friday’s Mercury-Saturn square wants you to have firm work boundaries this weekend. Make sure you’re living as hard as you’re working, and don’t do anything for free!


Don’t sweat the small stuff, Taurus! On Tuesday, Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled detail zone. Claim clarity, mindfulness, and remember to breathe through all the stress and uncertainty. A square between Mercury and Saturn on Friday wants you to see details that inspire a different vision.


Speak up, Gemini! Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled disclosure zone on Tuesday, helping you say what you need to say to someone who genuinely needs to hear it. Brace yourself for vulnerability’s impact! Friday’s square between Mercury and Saturn gives you the bravery to share a truth on intimacy or sexuality.


What does “home” mean to you, Cancer? On Tuesday, Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled family, emotionality, and belonging zone, helping you communicate your desires for home and safety—especially romantically, under Friday’s Mercury-Saturn square. Think about how you have to both give and receive trust.


The words will return, Leo! On Tuesday, Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled communication zone, returning your perception, language, and listening skills. Now’s the time to repair miscommunications! This Friday’s Saturn-Mercury square helps you take responsibility for some errors of the past, so learn new strategies for communication and apply it!


What do you value, Virgo? Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled value and security zone on Tuesday, helping you clarify your beliefs so you can live them out, and receive the safety you deserve. While practicing your values on Friday, the Mercury-Saturn square wants you to show up with more bravery, creativity, and resilience through risk and uncertainty.


Change of mind and heart, Libra? Mercury Retrograde ends in your sign on Tuesday. It’s helped you see a new way of thinking and feeling, and now you want to live from that learning! Communicate your feels with those you trust and honor your vulnerability this weekend under the Saturn-Mercury square.


Happy Birthday, Scorpio! On Tuesday, Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled closure zone. You know what you need to let go of to be your best self. It could even be expressed under Friday’s Mercury-Saturn square on Friday. If you want to make an apology, set a boundary, or have a talk about forgiveness, let it happen this weekend!


No justice, no peace, Sagittarius! Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled activism zone on Tuesday. May your social justice efforts gain momentum. Clarify the values that inform your activism this weekend under the Mercury-Saturn square for guidance on next-steps, collaborations, and strategy.


Connection, not competence, Cap! Mercury Retrograde in your Libra-ruled career zone ends on Tuesday, reminding you that it’s not just the power within but also the power of working with others that helps your career. Under the Mercury-Saturn square this weekend, reflect on how colleagues help you, how you help them, and how you can achieve more in collaboration.


Breakthrough, Aquarius! Mercury Retrograde ends in your Libra-ruled wisdom zone on Tuesday, helping you make choices that reflect new intelligence. When you apply what you learn, you walk with integrity! The barriers between you and your optimized self could be exposed on Friday’s Mercury-Saturn square, so stay resilient!


Let’s talk about friendship, Pisces. Mercury retrograde ends in your Libra ruled Truth on Tuesday helping you understand your Truth and how others align or complicate yours. Friday’s Mercury-Saturn square connects you to the friends that show reliability or inspire you to get clear about the expectations you have for friendship so you can be in meaningful connections.

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