This High-Powered HIIT Workout Will Crush Your Upper Body

Photo credit: Philip Friedman
Photo credit: Philip Friedman

From Men's Health

If you're looking for an effective workout you can do just about anywhere without taking up all your time, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routine is probably the best thing for you to find. The format utilizes concentrated bursts of activity interspersed with less-strenuous recovery periods, which allows you to pack in a ton of work in a little time—which has made HIIT mega-popular for people looking to get fit.

There are a ton of HIIT workouts out there, including a fair number of setups that just slap the name on overcharged sets without even establishing a healthy work-to-rest ratio to cash in on the hype. Don't waste your time and effort burning yourself out doing one of those workouts. Instead, take this dumbbell HIIT session from Gerren Liles, creator of the Men's Health High Power HIIT program on the All Out Studio streaming app.

Photo credit: Men's Health
Photo credit: Men's Health


Liles' program is designed to push you to your limit in just 15 minutes. This particular routine is aiming, as he says, at "bringing you that upper body realness." You'll perform upper body movements with a set of dumbbells, then spend your active rest periods focused on the lower body. Each exercise starts at a basic level, then adds two additional combinations as you ramp up the active work time. Just grab a medium-weight set of dumbbells, set a timer for 15 minutes (or don't, we'll keep time for you on the screen) and get ready to get to work.


Squat to Walkout - 30 seconds

Hand Release Pushup - 30 seconds

Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds


Photo credit: Philip Friedman
Photo credit: Philip Friedman

Close-Grip Chest Press - 30 seconds

Close-Grip Chest Press with Crunch - 45 seconds

Close-Grip Chest Press with Crunch and Leg Lowers - 75 seconds

Squat Hold - 45 seconds

Renegade Rows - 30 seconds

Weighted Walkout to Renegade Row - 45 seconds

Weighted Walkout to Renegade Row to Knee Raise and Twist - 75 seconds

Squat Hold - 45 seconds

Dumbbell Over-the-Shoulder Chops - 30 seconds

Squat and Over-the-Shoulder Chops - 45 seconds

Squat Thrust and Over-the-Shoulder Chops - 75 seconds

Cooldown Stretch - 45 seconds

Want to try more HIIT sessions like this? Check out Liles' full Men's Health High Power HIIT program on the All Out Studio streaming app.

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