At-Home Facial Filler Put to the Test
A new topical filler claims to bring back volume to your face in 2 weeks without injections, but how does it work and how well?
TV personality Morgan Stewart joins The Doctors to test out the product with 3 participants - Jo, Gina, and Robyn. They use Fillerina, which uses two types of gels which contain hyaluronic acid, which the company claims can help with the lines on your face.
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Jo says she liked the product and found it easy to apply. She says after using the product she felt like she had just had a facial.
Robyn says she felt her skin was softer and more supple after using the product and says she feels the lines near mouth were diminished.
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Gina also says she enjoyed the product and noticed the best results near her eyes and mouth, but the lines on her forehead did not appear to change.
The cost of the at-home topical filler kit is $165 dollars.
See more of Morgan's take on fashion and beauty on her E! segment "Necessary Realness" on Instagram.