Homeowner seeks assistance scheming to take over HOA’s nearby vacant lot: ‘Find like-minded neighbors and organize them’

One Redditor had a clever idea to make their neighborhood more inviting and eco-friendly after their HOA received a plot of land.

“My HOA has recently been gifted a lot (100% grass) that cannot be developed,” they explained in their recent post.

Their yearly HOA meeting included possible plans for the lot, such as selling it to the neighboring homeowners. But the original poster had another thought. “I really like how the lot breaks up the monotony of the neighborhood and would love for the HOA to keep it,” they said.

However, it’s not as simple as just keeping the land. Plants, including the preexisting grass, need regular upkeep and water — expenses that could rack up quickly and become a drain on the small HOA, which the Redditor said consisted of around 50 homes.

So they approached the r/NativePlantGardening community for advice. “I am wondering if anyone in this sub knows or has resources that can help me convince the HOA to keep the lot and plant a prairie or low maintenance garden,” they said.

For that, native plants are absolutely the right choice. After hundreds of generations of living in the same place, local species are perfectly adapted for the conditions, like the soil composition, rainfall, and native wildlife. Once established, they thrive without irrigation, fertilizer, or general upkeep such as mowing.

Sadly, other Redditors foresaw resistance. “The issue is whether they want to take on the initial and annual expense,” said one commenter. “Wildflowers might offend an HOA’s desire for conformity.”

But there was still a path forward. “Find like-minded neighbors and organize them,” suggested another Redditor. “Convince your neighbors that having a park or a meadow or a picnic spot or whatever would be awesome. Ask them what they want to do with it. Listen to your neighbors. Find common ground.”

For tips on how to do that, try this handy guide for changing HOA bylaws.

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