This Hotel Is Fully Booked as Soon as You Check In

Have you ever stayed in a hotel and thought, Wow. This would be lovely if there weren’t so many damn people here? 

If so, you might want to consider booking a stay at one of two hotel suites designed by the Scandinavian brand Vipp. Located in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Lake Immeln, Sweden, the Vipp loft and Vipp shelter (that’s what they’re called,because proper nouns are deeply uncool) are essentially hotels where there can be only one guest. Or, more accurately, one party: Vipp loft sleeps four, while Vipp shelter sleeps two.

Free from the prying eyes of other travelers, guests are free to luxuriate in sweet solitude. Sip from the bottle of Champagne that comes standard in your suite, get glam with Aesop products and prepare your own meals in a state-of-the-art Vipp-designed kitchen. (No, there’s no restaurant or room service—it really is just you out there.)

Think a night of precious silence comes cheap? Think again. A night at the Vipp loft will set you back just under $1,800, while the Vipp shelter is slightly more affordable at $1,200 a night. 

Introvert’s paradise or the setting of a confusing Darren Aronofsky horror movie (starring—we want to say—Evan Rachel Wood)? You decide. 

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