How to Work Out From Your Hotel Room: Fhitting Room Edition

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We love to travel but there’s nothing we hate more than arriving at a hotel to find a mediocre—or worse, nonexistent—fitness center. But Simon Lawson—an instructor at Fhitting Room in New York City and an ambassador for Lululemon, has come to the rescue with an in-room high-intensity interval workout using minimal equipment (read: only things that can easily fit into your carry-on) that will actually get you sweating.

We headed to the 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge’s expansive Riverhouse Suite to check out Simon’s routine, which, fair warning, doesn’t feature the usual tricep-dips-off-the-edge-of-your-bed moves. It’s so hard, in fact, Simon himself was exhausted by the end. Follow along in the video above and the instructions below for a legit sweat sesh no matter where you check in.

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Simon breaks his routine into circuits, much like a signature Fhitting Room workout. You’ll need your suitcase (preferably hard case) and a duffel for added weight—Simon recommends Tumi for durability and style. You’ll also need a resistance band and jump rope.

Circuit 1: Warm-up

Simon utilizes his duffel bag in his warm-up to get his muscles working right away. Here, he uses Tumi’s Lenox Leather Duffel in black loaded with clothes for extra weight.

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

1 Minute: Push-Up to Side Plank

? Start in long-arm plank position. Perform one push-up.
? At the top of your push-up, rotate to your right side, raising your right arm above you.
? Return to long-arm plank for another push-up, then rotate to the other side.

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

1 Minute: Thruster

? With feet slightly wider than shoulder-length apart and toes turned slightly outward, hold duffel bag in front of you with arms bent.
? Squat, then raise the bag above your head with straight arms as you stand back up.

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

1 Minute: Jump Rope

? For extra-points, do like Simon and go for double unders.

(Repeat the circuit three times.)

Circuit 2: Banded Circuit

Simon is a big proponent of traveling with a resistance band. The thicker the band, the more challenging the workout.

16 Banded Step Backs

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? Wrap resistance band around your legs, just above your ankles.
? Assume a squat position, with core tightened, then step back with your right leg, maintaining a strong base in your left leg.
? Repeat on the other side without standing up in-between reps.
? Complete eight reps each side.

8 Banded Jump Squats with Abduction

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? With resistance band wrapped around your legs, just above your ankles, lower yourself into a squat.
? Explode upward, spreading legs outward while you jump.
? Land softly back into squat position.

8 Banded Bicycle Crunches

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? With resistance band wrapped around your legs, just above your ankles, lie on your back with your hands behind your head.
? Raise your head and shoulders off the ground and bring your right elbow to your left knee, then your left elbow to your right knee, keeping your core engaged and both legs off the ground at all times.

(Repeat for 8 minutes total.)

Ab Intermission—1 Minute: Hollow Hold

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? Lying on the floor, raise your head, shoulders and legs off the ground, creating a curve in your lower back.
? With arms raised above your head and legs straight, maintain this position for the entire minute.

Circuit 3

6 Burpees to Single-Leg Tuck Jumps

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? From standing position, quickly lower your body to the floor, touching your chest to the ground.
? Raise your body back up to standing position while keeping your core tight and your back straight.
? Once standing, jump into a single-leg tuck. Bonus points for clapping between your legs.
? This advanced move can be modified by replacing the single-leg tuck jump with regular jump.

5 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? Lower yourself into a handstand position, resting your legs against a wall.
? Slowly lower your head down to the floor (or a pillow for more comfort), then raise back up to handstand position.
? This advanced move can be modified by performing a wall plank hold for 30 seconds.

8 Reverse Lunges to Hop

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? From standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, perform a reverse lunge, brings both legs to a 90-degree angle and touching your back knee to the floor.
? Swing back leg forward while performing a single-leg jump simultaneously.
? Perform four reps each side.

(Repeat for 8 minutes total.)

Ab Intermission—1 Minute: Hollow Hold

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? Lying on the floor, raise your head, shoulders and legs off the ground, creating a curve in your lower back.
? With arms raised above your head and legs straight, maintain this position for the entire minute.

Circuit 4

Simon pulls out his suitcase—a silver 19 Degree Aluminum international carry-on suitcase—for the last circuit, which combines abs and cardio for a high-intensity finish.

20 Sit-Ups


? Lie on your back with legs bent and feet planted shoulder-width apart and hands behind your neck.
? Engage your core to roll your upper body to upright position, keeping arms held back behind your head.
? Lower yourself down vertebrate by vertebrate to your original position.

20 Double Crunches

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? Lie on your back with legs in tabletop position and hands behind your neck.
? At the same time, bring your head and shoulders forward and your knees back toward your head to meet in the middle.

10 Toe Taps

Double Crunches
Double Crunches

? Place your suitcase on the floor in front of you.
? Jump to tap one leg after another on top of the suitcase for a cardio burst.

10 Forearm Plank Reaches

Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson
Fhitting Room instructor Simon Lawson

? Lower yourself to forearm plank position, with suitcase in front of you.
? Stabilizing your core, raise your left arm and straighten it to tap the top of the suitcase with your hand, making sure not to rock your core as you do it.
? Alternate sides for a total of 10.

(Repeat five times.)

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