Housekeeper at Trump's N.J. golf club details first family's laundry habits

A housekeeper who worked at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., for three years is pulling back the curtain on President Trump‘s dirty laundry.

Sandra Diaz was one of two undocumented immigrant housekeepers featured in a New York Times piece published on Thursday in which the publication went in depth about how there were people at the golf club who were employed despite entering and working in the country illegally.

The 46-year-old native of Costa Rica, who was an employee of the golf course from 2010 to 2013, has since become a legal resident of the United States. At the time when she was picking up after Trump at his New Jersey residence, however, she told the New York Times that “there are many people without papers” working at the Trump National Golf Club.

Still, she said she got by with falsified documents and a knack for cleaning according to Trump’s highly specific standards.

Melania, Barron and Donald Trump in New Jersey, heading to Trump National Golf Course. (Photo: Getty Images)
Melania, Barron and Donald Trump in New Jersey, heading to Trump National Golf Course. (Photo: Getty Images)

“He is extremely meticulous about everything,” Diaz told the publication, which comes as no surprise because Trump has previously admitted to being a “germaphobe,” following reports of salacious acts.

Diaz discussed the tasks she carried out in her role when she cleaned Trump’s residence, down to the way he liked his clothing laundered, which included ironing everything from his white boxers, golf shirts and khaki trousers to his sheets and towels. She also shared with the Times that the president was particular about having his items, as well as Melania’s and Barron’s, washed with a “special detergent” in a washing machine separate from the rest of the club’s residents.

The housekeeper even recalled a time in 2012 when Trump ran his finger around the edges of picture frames and over the surfaces of tables to check for dust. “You did a really good job,” he said, before handing her a $100 bill, according to the report.

Other times, she claimed Trump acted in the opposite manner and even had “an outburst over some orange stains on the collar of his white golf shirt.” According to Diaz, they were allegedly “stubborn remnants of his makeup.”

She eventually quit her job in 2013 and trained her replacement on the specifications required to keep things up to the Trump family standards.

The Trump Organization, which owns the golf course, did not comment to the New York Times about the women profiled in the report.

“We have tens of thousands of employees across our properties, and have very strict hiring practices,” Amanda Miller, the company’s senior vice president for marketing and corporate communications, said in a statement to the outlet. “If an employee submitted false documentation in an attempt to circumvent the law, they will be terminated immediately.”

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