Hunter McGrady caught COVID-19 during her pregnancy: ‘I’m trying to find those silver linings’

Hunter McGrady opened up about catching COVID-19 during her pregnancy, which led to another complication. (Photo: Instagram)
Hunter McGrady opened up about catching COVID-19 during her pregnancy, which led to another complication. (Photo: Instagram)

Hunter McGrady opened up about a health scare she had during her pregnancy.

On a recent episode of her podcast Model Citizen that the 28-year-old model hosts with her sister Michaela McGrady, she revealed shocking information about a scary moment during her pregnancy.

"When I was seven months pregnant, which no one knows, I had COVID," she said.

Hunter McGrady explained that she believed she contracted the virus while working, even though she had tried to be as careful as possible, "I had to do a shoot. I was outside shooting, and the only time I had my mask off was when I was shooting. It was only a four-person set and they were far away, and I caught COVID and I gave it to my husband."

After freaking out, she added that her symptoms turned out to be very mild, but she did experience a common complication that proved to cause other issues.

"When we had COVID and we had lost our smell, we didn't realize we had a plumbing leak down in our basement where, basically, like poop water was coming up," McGrady recalled. "It was backed up in the street and we had to get all the flooring downstairs ripped up."

According to a study published in April, pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19 were more likely to experience complications like preterm birth as well as the babies contracting severe illness or even dying before or after birth. The study also found that pregnant women who had the virus were 76 percent more likely to develop preeclampsia and three times more likely to develop serious infection.

After recovering from COVID-19, McGrady was then diagnosed with preeclampsia, which meant more than likely that labor would be induced prior to her due date. The bad news did not stop there — her younger brother Tynan had died. The model, however, is hoping to focus on what is most important: her baby.

"I'm trying to find those silver linings," she admitted. "Of course, with the passing of my brother, I can't find that silver lining. Maybe one day I will, but currently I just can't find that one now. But that's the thing ... it's no longer about me, it's also this being that's inside of me."

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