'I'm 65 and In the Best Shape of My Life—These Are the 4 Workout Moves I Swear By'

Some people believe that a decline in health is simply part of getting older; it’s something that naturally happens to the body and there’s nothing you can do to change it. Lesley Maxwell is not one of those people. A 65-year-old fitness trainer and bodybuilder, Maxwell regularly helps people 40 and older start their fitness journey and she sees first-hand the effect that working out properly can have on the body, regardless of age.

In fact, Maxwell says that it wasn’t until she was 49 that she truly learned the best way to transform her body through fitness and once she knew the secret, she became in better shape than she had been her entire life, which has continued into her mid-60s. Want to follow in her footsteps? Here, Maxwell shares the common mistake she sees people 40 and older making at the gym, plus four exercise moves that will make a big difference in how you look and feel.

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The Number One Mistake People 40 and Older Make at The Gym

Maxwell says she has always been curious about health and spent her younger years doing a lot of cardio, including step-aerobics, which was popular in the ‘80s and ‘90s. While cardio exercises certainly are beneficial for health, Maxwell says it wasn’t until she started strength training at age 49 that she truly saw her body change.

Seeing her body become more toned inspired her to take her strength training to the next level and she started entering weightlifting competitions. To date, she’s competed in more than 30 weightlifting competitions. It also inspired her to become a personal trainer to pass along her knowledge to others. She’s been working with clients for more than 15 years, specializing in training adults 40 and older.

The number one mistake Maxwell says she sees people 40 and older make at the gym is only doing cardio. Even if you don’t want to follow in her footsteps and become a bodybuilder, she says that strength training is crucial. “If you focus only on losing weight, you end up losing muscle along with body fat. Muscle is what supports the skeleton and gives a nice shape,” she says, adding that strength training helps prevent muscle loss.

Maxwell explains that strength training also makes bones stronger, which is especially important for people 40 and older because the risk for osteoporosis increases with age.

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How To Start Strength Training

Maxwell understands that walking over to the weightlifting side of the gym can be intimidating. It can be hard to know how to work the weight machines or what to do with the dumbbells. For this reason, she recommends working with a personal trainer—especially someone whose primary clientele is people 40 and older. That way, you learn how to strength train properly without injuring yourself.

There are also a few specific strength training moves she recommends, which are outlined below.


Maxwell says she likes squats because it’s a functional movement; anytime you sit down and get up, you're essentially doing a squat! Squats can be done with a barbell or dumbbells—whichever you feel most comfortable with.

If using a barbell, stand with your feet shoulder-length apart. Unrack the barbell and hold it on your upper back, keeping your back straight and chest up. Slowly bend your knees and lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the squat for a second before slowly coming back up. Repeat between two and eight times, whatever is accessible to you.

If using dumbbells, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your knees and lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the squat for a second before slowly coming back up. Repeat between six and 10 times, whatever is accessible to you.

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Maxwell likes lunges because they're another functional movement that most people do naturally throughout the day. “Not only does it work the chest, but also the triceps, shoulders and core,” she says.

To do a lunge with dumbbells, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward, bending your front knee until the back knee almost touches the ground. Step back to the start position. Repeat with the left leg. Continue alternating and repeat between six and 10 times, whatever is accessible to you.

Wall push-ups

A push-up strengthens the upper body and core, making it a great strength training move. If push-ups are inaccessible to you, Maxwell says to start with a wall push-up. To do it, stand in front of a wall with your feet hip-width apart. Place your palms on the wall, shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your elbows and lean toward the wall, moving close to it but refraining from touching it. Then, push back out to the starting position. Repeat between six and 10 times, whatever is accessible to you.

Rowing or lateral pull-downs

Rowing combines cardio and strength training, strengthening the upper body and core without putting pressure on the joints. If your gym doesn’t have a row machine, Maxwell says lateral pull-downs can be another beneficial exercise to work into your routine.

To do a lateral pull-down, sit at the pull-down machine with your feet flat on the floor. Grab the bar, keeping your hands slightly wider than shoulder-length apart. Pull the bar down until it’s level with your chin. Squeeze the shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position. Repeat between six and 10 times, whatever is accessible to you.

Maxwell recommends doing these four strength training moves four times a week. Over time, you should both see and feel your body change. “[I want people 40 and older to know that] our bodies are not set. If you start prioritizing a healthy lifestyle, your body will change,” Maxwell says. It’s never too late to make a change—she’s proof!

Next up, find out how you can lose weight even if you only have 10 minutes a day to work out.
