I'm a Celebrity 2020, live: terrified Jordan North conquers Viper Vault but voted to tackle next task too

I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! takes place at Gwrych Castle in North Wales - Rex
I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! takes place at Gwrych Castle in North Wales - Rex

The second episode of the new-look survival series saw snakes, screams and slap-up eel suppers.

Here are all the forked-tongue talking points…

Jordan North became whipping boy and potential winner

There's no doubt who stole the show on this second episode. Even before THAT snake task, Jordan North provided a talking point with his amusing confession that he missed campmate Mo Farah's Super Saturday triumph in the London 2012 Olympics. Why? Was he at his best mate's wedding? A family emergency, perhaps? No, he decided to order a pizza and watch a shonky horror film called No Vacancy on DVD instead.

When it was time for the Viper Vault trial, though, things became hysterical in a different way. Jordan was hyperventilating, tearful and trembling before it even began. Co-hosts Ant and Dec, veterans of 19 series, said he was “the most scared celebrity we've ever seen”. Cruelly, the challenge combined two of his biggest fears: snakes and enclosed spaces. But with the encouragement of teammate Shane Ritchie, he went through with it.

It was hypnotic and unwittingly hilarious as Jordan screamed, yelped and yodelled his way through the safe-cracking task, retreating to his 'happy place' - which turned out to be Turf Moor, home of his beloved Burnley FC. He muttered the name of the stadium so much, it was soon trending on social media.

Yet somehow, he and Shane managed to win nine stars out of a possible 10, earning nine dinners for camp. Yet even this triumph was darkly amusing. The meal turned out to be eel, much to Jordan's disgust: “I’ve just been in a piggin' vault full of snakes, get home to my castle and I’ve got eel. Fish snakes, not fish cakes. Nine stars for that? It was minging.”

The Radio 1 DJ was already a marked celebrity, thanks to his cliff-barfing antics last night. He can now expect the public to nominate him for every task. Sure enough, so it trasnpired at this episode's climax. Tomorrow evening, he, Vernon Kay and Beverley Callard will face a queasy eating challenge called Frights Of The Round Table.

Some Twitter cynics suggested that North was hamming it up to get screen time. I'm not sure he's that good an actor. Wearing his heart guilelessly on his sleeve and with the determination to conquer his many phobias, he simply made for raw, compelling TV. Jordan might just be on a 'journey' and on course to win the contest.

Radio 1 DJ Jordan North
Radio 1 DJ Jordan North

Beverley Callard is becoming a camp icon

Last night, she was getting cockroaches caught in her nooks and crannies while Victoria Derbyshire admired her bosom. Former Coronation Street actress Beverley Callard also suggested that roughing it will soon make her "look like I've had Donald Trump's hairdresser"  and exclaimed “I can’t eat bunny!”

Tonight, Callard won further fans with her camper-than-Christmas memories of her fitness video heyday, including misty-eyed reminiscing about a zebra-print leotard. She also led her campmates in an impromptu aerobics class around the campfire, complete with Rocky Horror and Saturday Night Fever dance moves.

Can Callard keep it up or will she display diva tendencies? She's the oldest contestant at 63, has a hip problem and has shown hints of losing patience with castle conditions. Let's see how she copes with the eating task tomorrow night. This could go either way but for now, La Callard is winning at life.

Beverley Callard leads the campfire aerobics class
Beverley Callard leads the campfire aerobics class

Two mystery campmates set to arrive soon

For now, they're a bunch of happy campers but the show could soon be shaken up. Two more celebrities are set to join the original 10.

Operatic tenor Russell Watson is heavily rumoured to be one of them and appeared to hint as much in an interview yesterday, teasingly saying: “Watch this space.”

As for the other, well, is it any coincidence that both Dominic Cummings and Donald Trump are both recently out of a job? Probably, yes. But it would be most entertaining if Cummings was to suddenly turn up at Gwrych Castle, still carrying his cardboard box. Classic Dom.

Mo Farah and Vernon Kay by the campfire
Mo Farah and Vernon Kay by the campfire

Top earners aren’t justifying their pay

The biggest earner in this year's celebrity line-up are Olympic hero Mo Farah and TV host Vernon Kay, reported to be receiving £300,000 and £250,000 respectively.

Admittedly, that's half of what Noel Edmonds and Caitlyn Jenner trousered last year but they're still not proving value for money. Sure, Vernon seems like a nice enough bloke but he's pleasant to the point of blandness and has hardly stuck his head above the parapet so far.

Meanwhile, Sir Mo held court about his Olympic medal haul but he's going to run out of sporting stories pretty fast. At least Vernon is one of the trio tackling tomorrow's task, so has a chance to start justifying that whopping salary.

Several other campmates are barely getting a word in edgeways either. You'd hardly know that AJ Pritchard, Jessica Plummer, Hollie Arnold and Giovanna Fletcher were there from tonight's show. The young'uns are getting thoroughly overshadowed by the mature women and noisier men. Time to put that avo-toast down, finish that oatmilk latté and pipe up, millennials.

Vernon Kay takes a shower
Vernon Kay takes a shower

Ant and Dec remain at top of their game

Cheeky Geordie chipmunks Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly are back at the helm for the 19th time in 20 series (McPartlin took a year off in 2018 to undergo rehab, remember). I'm A Celebrity is traditionally one of the ubiquitous duo’s favourite gigs of the year. Unsurprising, really, since it involves a month-long holiday in five-star Gold Coast luxury, with all the golf they can play and only a few hours of work each day.

This year, however, it's an altogether different prospect. Rather than wise-cracking from a rope-bridge above the jungle canopy, they're finding corners of a chilly Welsh castle from which to present their links.

Happily, the pair's ebullient mood and impish humour is unaffected. They've been ribbing the campmates relentlessly - from Jordan North's Turf Moor fixation to Shane Ritchie's boast about winning Sexiest Male at the Soap Awards three years running and Hollie Arnold crowbarring in mentions of her MBE.

Some of their gags have been saucily near-the-knuckle, others just naughty schoolboy fare, but their gags-to-screentime ratio is mighty impressive. Their chemistry and timing is impeccable. Every link is a slick mini-masterclass.

The pair's enthusiasm is also infectious. They seem to enjoy watching events unfold as much as viewers. The pair went from sympathy and concern for Jordan North to openly laughing at him, just like us. There's a reason Ant and Dec are the best-paid, most popular presenters on TV and that's because they're damn good at it.

Ant and Dec at the helm
Ant and Dec at the helm

Contest continues at slightly later time tomorrow 

Hold onto your supper. The next episode includes that 'Frights Of The Round Table' eating task - an evil medieval banquet bound to involve unmentionable parts of animals and more Jordan North gagging noises.

The episode airs in the marginally later slot of 9.15pm on Tuesday. Meet you back here to discuss the menu.

11:00 PM

Monday night's action rewound

Here's everything that happened in the second episode...

10:06 PM

Credits roll

That concludes the on-screen action but stay with us for analysis and social media reaction. 

09:59 PM

Jordan, Vernon and Beverley are in the chair

That's the trio who'll be scoffing an evil medieval banquet on tomorrow night's show.

09:57 PM

Who'll face Frights Of The Round Table?

Ant and Dec go into the castle to announce who'll be facing the next trial. And hold tight, it's an eating one.

09:57 PM

The slap-up eel supper reviews are in

Victoria Derbyshire's verdict: “It was really chewy and it had lots of bones in it.”

Jordan North adds: “Nine stars for that? It was absolutely minging.”

09:54 PM

Eels on wheels

The dumb waiter delivers dinner to the starving campmates. Everyone cheers. Well, until they discover that they'll be dining on eel. And not even the jellied Cockney kind. 

As Jordan North says: “I’ve just been in a piggin' vault full of snakes, get home to my castle and I’ve got eel.  Fish snakes, not fish cakes.”

09:50 PM

Less is Turf Moor

Ant and Dec point out that Burnley are currently second bottom of the Premier League and haven't won a game all season. It's quite rare that Newcastle United fans can gloat, so let's give them this moment. 

09:48 PM

Turf Moor is trending on Twitter

If they aren't watching ITV right now, there will  They'll be some very confused Burnely supporters out there. 

09:47 PM

Well, that's Jordan being voted to do every task

Bless him but that's the way it goes on this show. It could be a screeching, screaming week. With more mentions of Turf Moor than a Look North soccer special. 

09:45 PM

Get me out! Get me out!

That's hyperventilating Jordan's cry as the task ends. 

“My brother, who is a paratrooper, said to me no matter how scared or cold you get to think of your happy place,” he says.

They’ve won none stars out of 10. Impressive. Noisy but impressive. 

09:43 PM

Shane Ritchie: bravest man alive

Compared to Jordan, Shane looks like some sort of SAS hardman here. You know, Ross Kemp or Danny Dyer or someone. 

09:41 PM

This is like an Indiana Jones film

Indiana Jones & The Burnley Coffin Of Doom? 

09:40 PM

Do snakes follow football?

I hope none of those snakes are Blackburn fans. They'll be furious. 

09:39 PM

Jordan's noises are incredible

He's basically yodelling and yelping now. His happy place seems to be Turf Moor, home ground of Burnley FC. Blackburn Rovers fans are currently booing at their TVs. 

09:38 PM

Scream if you want to go faster

They're strapped into glorified coffins. Snakes enter the vaults. Jordan North screams, yelps and sounds like a teenage boy with his voice breaking but keeps thinking of his ‘happy place’.

Which I'm guessing isn't trapped beneath the floor of a Welsh castle while snakes slither over his legs. 

09:36 PM

I'm a snake-phobic celebrity, get me in there

Phew, Jordan's giving it a go. Well, it wouldn't be much of a TV show if he didn't.

09:32 PM

Shane gives Jordan a python pep talk

A tearful Jordan North says he's 'never been this scared in my entire life'. Turns out he's claustrophobic, as well as scared of snakes. What are the chances? Shane Ritchie is trying to be brave on his behalf.

'I can't do it,' decides Jordan. The producers cut to an ad break on that cliffhanger, the swines.

09:28 PM

Viper Vault is open for business

The trial will see Shane Ritchie and Jordan North work together as a team to unlock safes beneath the castle floor. They have 10 minutes to find 10 stars. But obviously they won’t be on their own. Ssssssssorry. Can you guesssss what elssssse is in there?

Jordan and Shane prepare to face the challenge

09:25 PM

It's trial time, viewers

Turns out that Jordan North is terrified of snakes. “This is my biggest fear, I’d rather do cliffs than this,” says Jordan. Bleurgh. Gag. Vom.

09:21 PM

Mo's tales of super Saturday

I mean, it's no Beverley Callard's Bums 'n' Tums on Betamax but Mo Farah is now discussing his winning moments from the London 2012 Olympics. He apparently was given some turf from lane one, which he had framed as a souvenir.

Meanwhile, Jordan North confesses that he watched every moment of the 2012 Games. Except, er, Super Saturday when he decided to watch a DVD and get a pizza instead, missing all those iconic moments. Oops. Hope it was a tasty pizza.

09:15 PM

Beverley Callard's aerobic anecdotes

She sold quite a lot of fitness videos, apparently. And wore a zebra print leotard. Tasteful. Quick, cut to a commercial break before she starts telling us about the colour of her legwarmers. 

09:12 PM

Strictly Come Castle Dancing

The celebrities were cold, they decided to do some body movements around the camp fire. Mo Farah does his famous 'Mobot' victory pose.

Aerobics video queen Beverley Callard suggested a pelvic thrust, while singing The Timewarp from The Rocky Horror Show. Then it's the Macarena and Saturday Night Fever dancing. This is like a terrible wedding disco.

09:09 PM

AJ cleans the WC

As AJ Pritchard empties the privy - or as he calls it, the prithee - Beverley Callard jokes: “Nine other bums going on that loo? Best not to think about it. As time goes on, with the beans and rice, it’s not going to be a pleasant job.”

Meanwhile, Jordan North has a man-crush on his showering buddy Vernon Kay. A budding castle bromance, perhaps?

09:05 PM

So near, so Farah

Is this how we treat our greatest ever Olympian? During the night, Mo Farah fell out of his hammock whilst he slept and just decided to sleep on the hard floor underneath, rather than try to climb back in.

The whacking noise of runner hitting floor woke up Shane Ritchie and they’re all having a good chortle about it the next morning. Poor Mo. 

09:02 PM

Credit where credits are due

They could have made a bit more effort with this title sequence. It's basically the old jungle one but with a castle sticking out of the trees. Lazy or reassuringly familiar? You decide. 

09:02 PM

And we're off!

Roll recap of last night's launch show action. Screeching! Spewing! Sobbing! Lovely stuff. 

08:56 PM

BBC's woes are ITV's delight

ITV can be forgiven for being quietly pleased by arch rival BBC One's troubles tonight. The channel went off-air for 10 minutes and a continuity announcer was forced to repeatedly apologise, while viewers took to social media to vent their spleen. 

Maybe it was a down to some sort of Bushtucker Trial? Mere minutes until castle o'clock now...

08:50 PM

First viewer-voted trial of the series awaits

Ex-EastEnders star and Daz doorstepper Shane Ritchie and Radio 1 DJ Jordan North will soon be subjected to something called Viper Vault. We don’t know what it is yet but we’re guessing it won’t involve cuddling kittens. 

Just 10 minutes until we go live to North Wales…

08:44 PM

Wonder if we'll meet Kiosk Cledwyn tonight?

The surly-looking shopkeeper is the “long lost Welsh cousin” of usual Outback Shack proprietor Kiosk Kev, who has been left behind in Oz.

Fifteen minutes until showtime… 

08:39 PM

Ratings were like the jungle: massive

Last night's launch episode drew an average audience of 10.9m -  almost 2m more than the Strictly Come Dancing results show on BBC One earlier that evening. 

It peaked at 12m viewers - more than half the available TV audience and the biggest overnight audience on any channel since BBC One's Gavin & Stacey Christmas special, outside of news programmes.

Twenty minutes until that jungle drum theme tune…

08:34 PM

Who’ll become King or Queen of the Castle?

And will that mean they qualify to be portrayed in Netflix’s The Crown? 

Yes, after the smelly old pandemic put the kibosh on its annual trip to the Australian bush, I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! is settling into its new staycation location: the 19th-century Gothic folly of Gwrych Castle, near Abergele on the Conwy coast. 

Good evening and welcome to our I’m A Celebrity liveblog. It’s castle o’clock at 9pm on ITV, when we'll get to see how our 10 happy campers spent their first day and watch this year's first viewer-voted trial. 

Last night’s launch show saw our 10 famous faces arrive via helicopter, SUV and abseil rope, sickbags close to hand. Now they’ve spent their first night in ye olde discomfort, it's time to subject Shane Ritchie and Jordan North to Viper Vault.

We'll be liveblogging from 8.30pm, providing build-up, rolling coverage, recaps and analysis, so please watch along with us. Please join in too - you can email me on michael.hogan@ telegraph.co.uktweet me on @michaelhogan or leave comments at the bottom of this blog. I'll keep an eye on them all and report the highlights here. 

Nearly time for slithering creatures, screaming celebrities and doubtless two diminutive Geordies cracking gags about trouser snakes…