It's Incredibly Easy (and Cheap) to Make Your Own Oat Milk at Home

Creamy in texture and slightly nutty in taste, oat milk has quickly become a go-to non-dairy milk alternative. The fanbase is so great, that the oat milk market is expected to reach $6.45 billion by 2028. The fact that oat milk is nut-free and soy-free makes it suitable not only for plant-based diets but also for anyone with a nut allergy or dairy intolerance. If the only thing keeping you from swapping dairy milk for oat milk in your morning cereal is the $4 price sticker at the grocery store, you're in luck. With just a few ingredients and your trusty blender, it's easy to make DIY oat milk (the videos with more than 12.2 million views on TikTok prove it). Here's how to make your oat milk at home for a simple, dairy-free beverage at a fraction of the cost.

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How to Make Oat Milk

Start with whole rolled oats, which are commonly referred to as old-fashioned oats. Quick oats are too processed for oat milk and can result in a slimy beverage. Make sure to buy gluten-free oats if needed. This recipe will make approximately 1 liter of oat milk or four 1-cup servings.

  1. Add 1 cup rolled oats, 4 cups cold water, and a pinch of salt (optional) to a high-speed blender.

  2. Blend 30-45 seconds until combined. It's important to not over blend, as this can produce a slimy texture.

  3. Strain through a clean tea towel or nut milk bag. If you don't want any pulp or sediment, strain your DIY oat milk twice.

Sweetened Homemade Oat Milk

If you prefer your oat milk sweetened, try adding one of the following options before blending: 1-2 Medjool dates (remove the pit first) or 1-2 Tbsp. of maple syrup, honey, or agave sweetener. You can also try adding in ? tsp. vanilla extract or 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder for flavored varieties.

How to Store Oat Milk

Once you've strained and enjoyed a glass of DIY oat milk, store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

It's recommended to make oat milk using organic whole oats since some non-organic brands have found traces of a pesticide called glyphosate. Depending on the brand and amount of oats you buy, you can make double or triple the amount of oat milk for the same price as one half-gallon purchased at the store. Add a splash to your cold brew coffee or chai latte. Oh, and don't let that leftover oat pulp go to waste! Add it to your morning smoothie or combine it with some honey for a soothing DIY facemask.