Inside Princess Margaret's Complicated Relationship with Princess Diana

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Photo credit: Anwar Hussein - Getty Images

From Town & Country

When Prince Charles was born, Princess Margaret was pushed down the royal pecking order, forever known as “Charlie’s aunt.” Now that he had chosen Lady Diana Spencer as his bride, Princess Margaret was quietly put out to pasture and Diana became the media’s latest chew toy. In the old days, when she was lauded for her beauty and glamour, she was matched with Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor. No longer. Ironically, when Taylor came to London in 1981 to star in a stage play, it was the Princess of Wales who was chosen to meet her.

For Margaret it was something of a relief that she was no longer in the media crosshairs, though she and the queen watched with mounting concern as her next-door neighbor at Kensington Palace was now the main target. The queen invited newspaper editors to Buckingham Palace and politely asked them to give a modicum of privacy to the newest member of “the Firm.” Margaret did her bit, too, to make Diana feel at home, taking her to the theater, joining her for social events, taking her shopping, and essentially showing her the ropes. Diana was full of appreciation at her royal guardian angel. “I’ve always adored Margo. I love her to bits, and she has been wonderful to me from day one,” she told me. When Diana returned home from the hospital with baby William, Margaret gathered up the staff and rushed outside with them to wave handkerchiefs and tea towels as mother and baby drove by.

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Photo credit: Keystone - Getty Images

So much that Diana was going through reflected Margaret’s own experience. When Diana said clothes weren’t her prime concern, that too was Margaret’s thinking. As she recalled, “The fashion writers insisted on treating her as they did me, as if we were unreal figures straight from Dynasty.” There were even Dynasty Diana headlines about Diana’s fashion choices.

When Diana returned from her honeymoon, Margaret helped her navigate the social nuances of the Balmoral summer holiday with the rest of the clan. But from the outset, she felt herself an outsider, with her husband always deferring to the queen or queen mother rather than taking her needs into account. The early signs that all was not well with the fairy tale came when Diana stayed in her room rather than joining in with the rest of the family for picnics or barbecues. Her seeming refusal to fit in irritated the queen.

Princess Margaret came to her rescue, suggesting to the queen that Diana was having difficulties adjusting to her role and that she should cut her some slack. “Let her do what she likes,” said Margaret, feeling that her sister was being too black and white. “Leave her alone and she will be all right.” The queen, who avoids family confrontation if at all possible, took her sister’s advice.

Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images

As much as Margaret was an early Diana fan, her primary concern was assisting the queen. Fortunately for Elizabeth, Margaret was there for her in 1992, the queen’s annus horribilus. The worst year of the queen’s reign began with the separation in March of the duke and duchess of York and continued with the divorce in April of her daughter Princess Anne from Captain Mark Phillips. This was followed by a devastating fire at Windsor Castle in November. When the queen, dressed in a green rain mac and matching hat, came to visit the smoldering ruin, she looked utterly devastated. The castle, an icon of Britain’s history, had also been her home for most of her life. She retreated to Royal Lodge and spent the weekend with Margaret and her mother, almost inconsolable. “The symbolism of the Windsor Castle fire was not lost on anyone inside the family,” Diana recalled.

The queen’s miserable year was rounded off with the separation of the prince and princess of Wales in December. In between there was the publication in June of Diana: Her True Story, which revealed her difficulties inside the royal family as well as her husband’s long-standing affair with another man’s wife. A few weeks later came the embarrassment of the so-called Squidgygate tapes, in which Diana was secretly recorded on the telephone talking to an amorous admirer, James Gilbey (who called her “Squidgy”) and criticizing the royal family.

Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images

Prince Philip wanted to help salvage the marriage of the prince and princess of Wales, if possible. During the summer of 1992 and beyond, the wrote Diana a series of letters, ranging from the accusatory to the sympathetic and affectionate. Margaret, having gone through a bitter separation herself, felt the sensible solution to the War of the Walses was an early divorce. She complained that when she raised the subject with Prince Charles, he didn’t listen to her advice. “As I talked to him, I noticed his eyes roaming around the room,” she told Kenneth Rose. She lamented his decision to admit his adultery on prime-time television and to launch his authorized biography, written by broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby, in November 1994, precisely the same week as the queen was making a historic tour to Russia.

While the queen was prepared to allow the Waleses’ marriage to plod on in the forlorn hope that there could be a reconciliation, Margaret was under no such illusions. Delay only tarnished the monarchy. Margaret complained to a friend, “Poor Lilibet and Charles have done everything they can to get rid of the wretched girl, but she just won’t go.”

In the early days of the Waleses separation, Margaret had given Diana the benefit of the doubt, writing to Prince Charles and informing him that she was going to continue her association with his estranged wife. That association stopped dead the moment she questioned the queen—and her husband—in public. Once her staunchest supporter in the family, Margaret sent Diana a “wounding and excoriating” letter following her controversial performance on the BBC Panorama program. She had obviously been “incapable of making even the smallest sacrifice,” she wrote. Noticeably, she had refrained from writing to Prince Charles, who was the first member of the royal family to admit his adultery on prime-time television. She was doing exactly what she complained about during her own separation and divorce from Lord Snowdon—she was solely criticizing the errant wife for her behavior. In Diana’s mind, her controversial television interview was a riposte, however ill judged, to the original documentary about her husband.

Photo credit: Princess Diana Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: Princess Diana Archive - Getty Images

Diana was devastated by Margaret’s hostility. From that day forward, Margaret became her fiercest critic and most implacable opponent. She welcomed the queen’ decision to ask the couple to divorce as soon as legally possible and supported the move to remove her appellation, Her Royal Highness.

Margaret was angry and upset, so much that after the interview she threw out every magazine with Diana’s picture on the cover. She subsequently burned all Diana’s correspondence between herself and her mother. Not only did she cut off all contact with the princess, but she made it clear to her children that she did not want them fraternizing with the enemy. So complete was the split that in July 1996, when Diana bought a present for Lady Sarah Chatto’s first baby, she timidly passed it on to Margaret’s chauffeur Dave Griffin and asked him to deliver it.

It was the backlash to her TV confessional and her subsequent divorce that informed the royal family’s initial reaction to the news of her death in a Paris underpass in August 1997. Apartment from being the mother to the two princes, Harry and William, she had no standing inside or contact with members of the royal family. The last time she had seen the queen was the previous March. Margaret and other royals had had nothing to do with her for several years.

When Diana died, Margaret’s enmity continued. The day of Diana’s funeral symbolized the differing formal reaction to Diana’s death by the queen and Margaret. As they stood outside the gates of Buckingham Palace waiting for the gun carriage carrying her body, somewhat bizarrely, Margaret was talking to her sister about improving the lavatories at Kensington Palace. Then, as the funeral cortege passed by, the queen respectfully bowed her head while Margaret gave the most cursory of nods, looking or all the world like she wanted to be elsewhere. She never forgave Diana for what she saw as her betrayal of the royal family, not even in death.

Excerpted from ELIZABETH & MARGARET by Andrew Morton. Copyright ? 2021 by Andrew Morton. Used by arrangement with Grand Central Publishing. All rights reserved.

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