This Instagram Influencer Asks Strangers to Kiss Her in Front of Famous Landmarks

Romantic cities like Paris or Rome deserve equally romantic Instagram photos. Of course, not everyone travels with a significant other, so getting that perfect pose can be tricky. Or, so we thought.

One Instagrammer has a novel way to show the world how romantic your trip was, even if you were traveling solo. According to Insider, influencer Kristiana Kuqi wanted to show off how romantic her trips were to Paris and Rome. Anyone traveling solo should take note.

So, naturally, she asked some strangers to kiss her in front of famous landmarks for a perfect photo-op. According to Insider, Kuqi has been posting these photos since 2016.

Kuqi, originally from Kosovo, first got the idea as a student in Virginia. While she was abroad with a friend, she decided to “capture the perfect moment” and “channel [her] inner confidence” by asking a stranger to kiss her while her friend took a photo.

The first photo she posted was of her and a man in front of the Eiffel tower on Nov. 1, 2016.

She recently reposted the photo on Twitter, exactly three years after it was taken, which got her followers stirring. Kuqi has also done this romantic post with a man in front of the Colosseum in Rome and with a firefighter after a wedding in Kentucky.

Naturally, some people might be taken aback at a request like this, but Kuqi says she has never run into any problems. “They all responded so pleasantly, and were more than happy to do it,” she said to Insider. “No one has said no.”

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When in Rome ?????♀?

A post shared by Kristiana Kuqi (@kristianakuqi) on Jul 6, 2017 at 2:33pm PDT

Kuqi added that no one she asked for a kiss was under a false impression of what her request was. All participants were well aware that the kiss was only for a photo. “They were all aware that it was for a picture — can't ignore my laughing friends holding the camera,” she told Insider. She also said that she did not stay in contact with the people she kissed. “It was all about spontaneity,” she said.

In order to get a good kiss, Kuqi said that she made sure to put on some good Chapstick, lip gloss, or lipstick. “I think that made them notice my lips and definitely want a kiss. I've never had a bad kisser — each time it was natural and passionate,” she said.

While many people on social media have applauded Kuqi’s confidence, even saying that they had tried similar stunts while they were traveling, others have noted that kissing a perfect stranger might be a health risk. “You don’t know where these [people] been sis,” said one Twitter commenter.

Kuqi doesn’t seem to have an issue with this and told Insider that she intends to keep doing these poses as long as she travels and is single.

“I developed from those moments, and it really changed how I felt about myself and boosted my self-esteem,” Kuqi told Insider. “As a woman, asking men for a kiss with no intention of falling in love or keeping in contact is powerful in a way, and breaks the stereotype that women are hopeless romantics just looking for love. We want to just have momentary fun, too.”

However, she’s not interested in doing it everywhere she goes. “It has to be the right moment,” she told Insider.

More of Kuqi’s photos, both with and without kissing, can be found on her Instagram and Twitter accounts.