Instagram Influencer’s Epic Scavenger Hunt Proposal Ends With a Wedding

influencer viral proposal
influencer viral proposal

One influencer’s boyfriend (and now husband) has set a high bar for public proposals. For three days, the 184,000 followers of fashion personality Marissa Fuchs were glued to an extravagant, of-the-moment proposal that was documented heavily on social media. Fuchs’ boyfriend Gabe Grossman announced via Instagram stories this week that he was set on proposing, but in a non-traditional way—in keeping with the couple’s unique relationship and romance.

“I have the most important question of my life to ask you,” he announced in a clip. “The problem is, we’re not really into traditional weddings. It’s not really our style.” What he wants to do instead, he explained, is to try “something to experience, enjoy, and you know, capture for the ‘gram so we know it happened.”

The video montage features shots of Grossman walking through the streets of New York, at times carrying their puppy in his arms. “So, I thought what would Marissa want,” he continued. “How can I marry Marissa in a way that would incorporate everything that’s important to her? Love, adventure, travel, fashion, friends, and family? But it would need to be an extraordinary adventure unlike any proposal ever seen. … But, I didn’t know how I would do something like that. I figured it out. I guess you’ll see.”

Fuchs later reposted the video on her own feed with the caption: “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!”


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WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A post shared by MARISSA CASEY FUCHS (@fashionambitionist) on Jun 18, 2019 at 8:51am PDT

Grossman’s scavenger hunt took Fuchs first to Flywheel, where she was greeted by all of her best friends to take a cycling class together. An excited Grossman scaned the crowd and shouted, “Where’s Gabe?”—and so a hashtag was born. Flytographer also documented the events (given that she is an influencer so that high-quality imagery matters).

She later made her way to the second stop, a spa in NYC. After an hour of relaxation, she was instructed to go home, shower and pack. A knock on the door revealed an entire glam squad set to help her with hair and makeup. “You guys might think this is an over-the-top engagement, which it is,” she told her fans via Instagram Stories. “Gabe lived up to my expectations, and I don’t even know what’s next.”

What’s next turned out to be: a stunning white dress, a ride to the Hamptons, and a clue on Instagram, that there were three jewels she was meant to find scattered throughout Montauk. She found one at dinner at Scarpetta Beach, another in her hotel room, and the third, she was told, was in Hewlett, the town where she and Gabe first met.

But no dice. From there, on Wednesday morning, Fuchs was instructed to head to JFK for a flight down to Miami, where a close friend of hers presented her with the third jewel, a charm that read, “To the Moon,” a phrase that Fuchs and Grossman use daily to say “I love you.”

The influencer later ended up in Miami, where she greeted by family members and friends at a restaurant. During dinner, a video prepared by Grossman was played in the party room. He expressed in the clip, “So here we are, at the end of the journey. And as much as I would have loved to be there the entire time with you, I thought there was one last adventure you should experience by yourself. Because I vow that going forward, no matter what life brings our way, good or bad, I will be right by your side. Because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

It didn’t end there, however. Instead, Fuchs boarded a plane to Paris (one of three options: London, Madrid or the City of Love). She was greeted by a driver, who took her to the hotel to get ready for more events ahead.

After a 30-minute car ride outside of the city limits, Fuchs signed off. Ninety minute later, the influencer signed on again dressed in wedding attire. She was finally getting married at what appeared to be a French chateau.

wedding influencer proposal viral engagement france
wedding influencer proposal viral engagement france

(Credit: fashionambitionist / Instagram Stories)

The couple shared a 10-minute engagement complete with her grandmother’s engagement ring. More footage from the ceremony was uploaded to her Instagram account as they were greeted by an intimate group of select family members and loved ones.

Like any good influencer, the bride promised high-quality images to come. Stay tuned for more.

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