Internet Famous Vet Asks for Help in Naming Precious Sphynx Kitten

Even before you bring home a new pet, you have a lot of important decisions to make. Where will you put their bed? Can you afford vet expenses? What will you feed them?

It's normal to feel overwhelmed while adjusting to having a new pet in your home, so make sure to take things one step at at time. And while you may be excited to think of a name for your new furry friend, take your time with this important decision. After all--a name is for life!

And if you're indecisive when it comes to names, don't worry--you aren't the only one! A new cat owner recently asked veterinarian Thomas Hamilton for help thinking of what to call her Sphynx kitten, so naturally--he went to his TikTok followers. In an irresistible video from February 25, the Internet-famous vet asks anyone and everyone to brainstorm a few cute monickers. The kitten's owner will pick her favorite!

OMG! That tiny kitten fit perfectly in the vet's coat pockets, which is about as cute as it could possibly get. They were so content just chilling with Dr. Hamilton, but everything changed when the cat treats made an appearance. Even this young kitten knows how delicious the right treat can be! All in all, though, this hairless cat did great for one of their very first vet visits.

Related: Video of Precious 19-Day-Old Sphynx Kitten Is Going Viral

Unsurprisingly, commenters are listing the cutest, cleverest, and most random names for a cat. My personal favorite has to be 'pocket' for obvious reasons, but the most popular name so far is Dobby. It's the perfect Harry Potter-inspired monicker for this Sphynx kitten, especially since they practically look alike.

Other suggested names include:

- Scarlett No'Hara

- Elliott (another movie-inspired pet name since this baby Sphynx cat looks like ET)

- Raisin

- Toothless

- Polly Pocket

- Yoda,

- and Suede

How to Take Your Kitten to the Vet

Dr. Thomas Hamilton's interaction with this sweet kitten may look like a dream come true, but kitten owners know that vet visits can sometimes be incredibly stressful. It's important to help your cat create positive impressions of the vet, so bringing along plenty of cat treats, and maybe their favorite person, is never a bad idea.

This popular veterinarian is often praised for the gentle way he approaches his patients, and it's easy to see why. He can make even the smallest kittens, like this baby, feel comfortable enough to rest in his pocket, and I have no doubt that this growing kitten will enjoy coming back to the vet next time. After all, why wouldn't you love visiting someone who feeds and pets you all the time?

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