The internet immortalises grumpy Oompa Loompa girl in hilarious fan art

 Oompa Loompa fan art.
Oompa Loompa fan art.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably seen those pictures from the viral Wonka-gate experience, where unsuspecting parents were catfished by misleading AI promo pics. However, one image in particular has captivated the internet, causing an influx of hilarious fan art. I'm of course talking about that poor Oompa Loompa girl.

While Willy's Chocolate Experience showed us the potential dangers of putting your faith into AI art, the subsequent memes have truly showcased the internet's creativity. From pixel art to Renaissance style, the Oompa Loompa girl has been immortalised in many artistic forms, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.

The viral Loompa (real name Kirsty Paterson) was snapped at the event, shrouded in a thin mist with a dour look on her face and since then, the absurd snap has understandably gained virality. Despite the memes, the internet has praised Paterson's efforts to entertain guests despite the shambolic nature of the event.

The event was so poorly planned that the 'Jellybean Room' soon ran low on provisions, forcing Paterson to ration three beans per child. Extra snaps of Paterson interacting with young visitors soon surfaced, causing many on X to label her a saint. The internet has truly embraced the newfound Loompa obsession, with many artists creating original pieces inspired by Paterson's viral moment – here are some of our favourites.

Oompa Loompa girl art
Oompa Loompa girl art
Oompa Loompa girl art
Oompa Loompa girl art

For more news, take a look at our interview with Alexandria Vernon, the designer behind the Wonka movie typography. If you're after some more ingenious art, take a look at the human art generator that's putting AI out of a job.