The internet is obsessed with this mom who set her son up on a date with a girl she met at a grocery store

Charisma Valdez got set up with Codey Gonzalez through an accidental meeting with his mom. (Photo: Twitter)
Charisma Valdez got set up with Codey Gonzalez through an accidental meeting with his mom. (Photo: Twitter)

A mother from San Antonio is being deemed a “wing mom” after running into a group of girls at a grocery store who attend the same college as her son, and proceeding to show them pictures of him — unsubtly sharing his single relationship status.

One of the girls in the group, Charisma Valdez, took to her Twitter to give a shout-out to the boy later identified as Codey Gonzalez. Gonzalez’s mom, Patricia, apparently really sold him.

“If your name is Cody [sic], you’re 6’4, you go to UTSA, live at the Outpost, a sophomore, AND majoring in Global Affairs. Your mom is truly your wingman,” the University of Texas San Antonio student wrote, unexpectedly looping thousands of people into the hilarious narrative.

Immediately, Valdez began to get responses from other Twitter users praising Codey’s mom for doing her best work as a wingman and asking for updates on the relationship.

According to friends of Gonzalez who saw the tweet, the 20-year-old didn’t have a Twitter at the time when Valdez initially posted. The next evening, however, he created one and chimed into the conversation with a simple response.

Things seemed to move quickly from there, with a photo tweet just two days later of Valdez and Gonzalez together on their first date. One day later, Valdez wrote that a second date was in the works.

Gonzalez tells Yahoo Lifestyle that things are “going great” with Valdez, despite having to study for finals.

“We are finishing finals and have been going on dates! We are planning on going out this weekend!” he explains. He also makes mention of the oddities of viral internet fame. “It definitely is a change to the norm.”

As for his mom, she’s still very much in the loop of what’s been going on, thanks to friends and family. But she isn’t the only one. The grocery store where Patricia first ran into Valdez has now claimed responsibility for the successful introduction.

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