Ivanka reveals secret to Trump's orange hair: Just For Men

Donald Trump
Donald Trump apparently uses drugstore hair dye to get that orange hue. (Photo: Getty Images)

Donald Trump’s hair has long been a popular topic on social media, with people often poking fun of his unusual, bleached-out ’do. The president’s signature strands have been compared to everything from fuzzy Gucci slippers to a troll doll to Biff from Back to the Future to a hirsute caterpillar in Peru.

And apparently, even the president’s own daughter Ivanka makes fun of his head of hair.

According to Michael Wolff’s revealing new book about President Trump’s first year in office, Fire and Fury: Inside Trump’s White House, excerpted on Wednesday by New York magazine, Ivanka allegedly mocks her own father’s coif, and allegedly shares with friends that he has had scalp reduction surgery to preserve his thinning hair. The procedure, which involves surgically removing bald spots and sewing together the nearby hair-producing skin, is listed under “procedures to avoid” by the American Hair Loss Association.

“She treated her father with a degree of detachment, even irony, going so far as to make fun of his comb-over to others,” reads the excerpt. “She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate — a contained island after scalp-reduction -surgery — surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.”

As for his hair’s orange-tinged, washed-out hue? It’s reportedly from a popular drugstore hair dye. “The color, [Ivanka] would point out to comical effect, was from a product called Just For Men — the longer it was left on, the darker it got.”

The problem is that Donald apparently doesn’t have the patience to wait for the dye to set — which, in case you were wondering, is five minutes. According to Wolff, “impatience resulted in Trump’s orange-blond hair color.”

Naturally, Twitter users are having a field day with this new piece of hair-raising information.

Many users zeroed in on the president’s lack of patience when it comes to letting the hair dye do its job:

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