Jazz Jennings Just Opened Up About Her Eating Disorder And Health Goals On Instagram

Jazz Jennings Just Opened Up About Her Eating Disorder And Health Goals On Instagram
  • Jazz Jennings, 20, opened up about her binge eating disorder and her commitment to her health on Instagram.

  • She says she is "ready to take the initiative and create positive changes."

  • Fans were supportive of Jazz in the comments and shared countless messages of support.

Jazz Jennings has been incredibly open about her life. Between her show, I Am Jazz, and her presence on social media, Jazz shares all about the ups and downs of growing up and transitioning with her fans and supporters. In her latest Instagram photo, she's opening up about her recent struggles with an eating disorder.

The post two side-by-side images of Jazz, one from a few years ago and a more recent picture. "As many of you have noticed, over the past few years, I have gained a substantial amount of weight," Jazz wrote in her caption. "I suffer from binge-eating disorder, a disease in which I’m not only addicted to food, but I eat it in large quantities."

"My binging, along with an increased appetite I experience from some of the meds I’m on, has caused me to gain almost 100 pounds in a little less than 2 years," she continued. "I’m posting this photo because it’s time for me to address my weight gain and hold myself accountable."

The I Am Jazz star added: "I’m ready to change my ways; I’ve been saying I’m ready to turn over a new leaf, but I’m running out of trees now. I’m ready to take the initiative and create positive changes when it comes to my health and body. I have a fabulous team supporting me, both professionals and family/friends, but at the end of the day, I have to be the one committed toward bettering myself. I know I have the power in me to lose the weight, and I intend on sharing my progress with all of you. Love you all, and thanks for understanding the battle I’m fighting to win??????."

Fans flooded the comments with messages of support: "So so much love to you Jazz, you're so strong, another battle to win babe ??," one commenter wrote. "Sending you love and support Jazz. We are cheering you on! ??," Katie Couric commented.

Jazz's family reached out with encouragement, too. "You are so resilient and can do anything you put your mind too," her brother, Sander, wrote. "I believe in you and will be by your side every step of the way ??"

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