Jeremy Clarkson Says Cyclists Are Idiots: 'It's Anti-Capitalism With Handlebars'

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Jeremy Clarkson Makes More Enemies With CyclistsJeff Spicer - Getty Images

File this under unnecessary attack: The often-angry and always-judgmental Jeremy Clarkson has recently used his column in The Sun to yet again express his hate for cyclists.

Clarkson starts by naming everyone who bought a bicycle during the COVID-19 pandemic “idiotic.” He then calls out the government for installing infrastructure that helps people get around on bikes. Then, he rounds it all out by saying that cycling is “anti-capitalism with handlebars.”

Of course it doesn’t end there. Clarkson also insults the clothing that cyclists wear, how they ride on roads shared with those driving cars, and even suggests that most people cycling in major cities aren’t even going anywhere—they’re only out to annoy. As though riding a bike isn’t an incredibly efficient way to travel, especially in a city.

It’s not the first time Clarkson has come after cyclists. He has a history of ranting on social media, in YouTube videos, and in his columns that cycling doesn’t have a place in today’s society. Hilariously, though, Clarkson himself has been photographed biking in the city often. reports that he touts losing weight while cycling. Still, he rants on.

And while it may seem like all for show or clicks or to keep a reputation, the negative speak against cyclists can be quite damaging. As the host of Top Gear, a show dedicated to drooling over luxury vehicles and testing the limits of gas guzzlers, Clarkson has the ears and eyes of a lot of people. If he regularly uses his platform to criticize cyclists, it’s creating legitimate hate between those driving cars and those riding bikes. Which is damaging and dangerous.

Clarkson has also recently made fun of slower speed limits for cars, which has been proven to save lives no matter your mode of transportation. Some may argue that he’s just out to preserve a persona, but at what cost? Poking fun is one thing, endangering lives is another, and totally unacceptable.

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