New Jersey Makes Plea for Someone to Adopt Cat Fittingly Named 'Cantaloupe'

Shelter pets come in all species, sizes, and ages, but the best things about them have to be learned over time. Even when an adoptable animal has a unique look--just like the New Jersey shelter cat Cantaloupe--you can only tell so much by watching a sweet video of him. Then again, a few seconds of video is likely all you need to fall in love with this gentleman!

Cantaloupe is a handsome tabby cat who recently arrived at Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center in New Jersey in hopes of finding a forever home. He's quickly becoming a crowd favorite thanks to his adorable face and perfectly fitting name, and it's a wonder how he hasn't been adopted since starring in a February 27 video made by the shelter. It's only a matter of time!

OMG! Whoever chose the name Cantaloupe deserves a round of applause because that is the perfect monicker for this big boy. His perfectly plump face is a joy to look at, and I can only imagine how sweet he'd look while making biscuits or curled up in his person's lap.

Related: New Jersey Shelter Cat Keeps Getting Passed Over All Because She 'Looks Different'

I'm not the only person falling for this cat, either! Commenter @beansproutbutt admitted, "I would do anything to adopt Cantaloupe," and I'd be lying if I said I couldn't relate! If it were possible, I'd be reaching through the screen to give this melon-esque cat some head scritches and face massages. Of course, I want to give those cheeks a lil' squeeze!

What are 'Tomcat Jowls?'

So what's with those chubby cheeks anyway? Not everyone has seen these jowls on a cat before, and some viewers are curious whether they're the result of a bee sting or a genetic condition. Actually--they're neither!

Some male cats can develop 'tomcat jowls' when they remain un-neutered for a long time. It's the result of the buildup of testosterone in the body and serves as neck protection in case of fighting over mates. To female cats, jowls can be a sign of fertility, though they don't go away when a cat is neutered. And thanks to the animal shelter--Cantaloupe is definitely neutered!

This beautiful tabby cat can be a bit shy at first, but once he gets to know a new friend, he's a curious and affectionate kitty. He loves cat toys, cuddles, and being near people, but there's no doubt that he'd love nothing more than living in a forever home.

If you think Cantaloupe might be a good fit for your home, stop by the Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center website to learn more about him. As long as his bio is listed in the 'adoptable cats' section, he's available to take home!

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