Jessica Alba Reveals Her Very Unique Approach to Punishing Her Kids (And Parents May Want to Take Note)

When it comes to disciplining our kids, we're always on the lookout for advice to help us raise caring, responsible tiny little humans. For some, that might mean yelling like a boomer while others resort to 'the chat sofa.' But we recently learned of a novel approach from none other than actress and co-founder of the Honest Company Jessica Alba and let's just say that we're intrigued.

We recently caught the A-lister speaking at an event for the launch of Instagram Teen Accounts, a new account type that automatically applies a set of protections to young users. When asked how the star models positive social media use for her two teenage daughters, Honor and Haven, Alba shared her slightly unusual approach to disciplining her kids.

“I would say that it starts before they get online,” Alba, 43, explained. “I think you build in trust with your kid having a dialogue. I have an interesting way of dealing with punishment in that... I tell my kids, I can choose your punishment or you choose your punishment.

The entrepreneur went on to explain that when her oldest daughter was around 10 years old, she did something inappropriate online by downloading a game that was for adults. “Her and her friend stayed up until 2 in the morning...and the mom found out, and we sat the girls down and I told Honor, so I can choose your punishment or you choose your punishment.”

Apparently her daughter was worried about the type of punishment her mom would inflict on her so she decided to come up with her own... and what she said even surprised Alba herself!

“I think the idea of my punishment was so much worse, so she was like, 'OK, I should lose my privileges to being on my device (she had an ipad) until Christmas.'"

The holiday was three months away so Alba was shocked that her daughter chose such a lengthy punishment. “What's nice about this is they usually give themselves a way worse punishment!” the actress shared.

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Alba added that after the three months was up, her daughter actually decided to go without her device for a further couple of months. “Honor learned early to self-regulate and she said that she liked herself better.”

An important lesson in screen time use and no guilt tripping mom for taking her device away? Sounds like an effective approach to discipline to us. This is one parenting hack that we'll definitely be testing out soon.

Honor is one of three children that Alba shares with her husband, Cash Warren, 45. Last summer, the lookalike pair were pictured at the French Open with multiple social media users commenting that the duo looked like twins! In addition to their eldest daughter, the pair also have daughter Haven Garner, 13, and a son named Hayes, 6. They have been married since 2008.

Keep the parenting tips coming, Jess.

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