Join Our New Year #PrettyRefresh Challenge!

I don't know about you, but I personally have a running list of things I want to accomplish. Some might call that procrastination—I like to call it motivation. I think I'd feel a little naked with an always complete to do list. Sound crazy? Maybe. But if we're always adding to our #goals then we're constantly working toward self-improvement, right? With each New Year comes a boost of adrenaline to add to those lists and keep on checking 'em off. That's where our first ever Pretty Refresh challenge comes in. Join in with us for 31 days of refreshing your home and life, from packing up the holiday decor to creating a bedtime routine. Full details below!

Any task or goal is way more likely to get accomplished if you're doing it with a friend, right? That's what this challenge is all about—we're all in this together my friends. Each day this month, we will reveal a new challenge right here, which will link to an inspirational post to give you a little kick in the booty. Joining the challenge late? Not to worry! Each reveal will stay on the calendar to inspire you all month (and all year!) long. The reality is, some of these challenges take some time, so look at it more as a motivational jumping off point. The fun part? We want to see how you're tackling these challenges. Use the hashtag #PrettyRefresh on Instagram for a chance to be featured on our account! Cheers to a refreshing start to the New Year! XO